From what I understand about CLT (center line transfer), it's basically a standard t-grip in reality, but it's set up so that you can lay your hand flat on the ball. Pitches are set up accordingly, with what I assume is mostly left-lateral and reverse in the thumb and probably left lateral in the middle finger. But what is the point of CLT? Is it just another grip to use, or are there actually pros and cons to it? I've nearly given up on my grip, as I cannot find a comfortable fit with the t-grip. If I put in the popular foward, the base of my thumb can't clear the ball and it comes out as the same time as my fingers, making for an awkward release. But if I add reverse, I have to death-grip the ball and can't release it normally as well. So I'm pretty much at the point where I'm ready to try anything. Assuming that's how CLT is set up, I actually like the feel of having my entire hand on the ball rather than almost none of it, as it currently is with the t-grip.
So does anyone have any insight to it? Ever drilled it for someone, or tried it yourself? Am I better off just skipping this experiment and fooling around even more with the standard grip?
- Andy