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Author Topic: Energy  (Read 8422 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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THE ENERGYâ„¢ is the latest offering from Dyno-thane, overloading the competition with more energy retention for explosive backend and pin carry.

DT once again delivers a high-end MAX-Performance ball with the proven, winning Soakerâ„¢ coverstock.  This time the Soakerâ„¢ formula has been tweaked to deliver a more versatile tread for the ultimate in durability and versatility. The Soakerâ„¢ ATC, All Terrain Cover, is the most potent Soakerâ„¢ coverstock yet.

Raw power harnessed... RELEASE IT!

Recommended Lanes Conditions:
Light - Medium Oil: 1000-Grit / Polish
Medium Oil: Out of box condition
Medium - Heavy Oil: 600-Grit Wet Sand  

Other Details

Length: 16 out of 20
Backend: 22 out of 25
D-Scale: 76-78
Weight Block: Polar Opposite Powerblocks
Weights: 12-16 lbs
Color: Ultra Violet
Other Photos


DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Energy
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2005, 10:56:04 PM »
All I can Say is.." WHAT A BALL"

Not only does the Energy provide backend....but it keeps up with the tradition of Dynothane's control performance....

My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)


the prince

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Re: Energy
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2005, 08:36:58 AM »
Ball left in box condition, 4 x 3 drilling, pin right above ring finger, CG on midline.

On the house shot, synthetics:  This ball offers length and a strong backend, a hockey-stick motion to the pocket, but the ball doesn't roll out (like my AU79 would sometimes).  Will still hook if pulled in the oil, so can be used if there is an over/under condition.  I've had the first 10 twice in a month, once stopped by a solid 7, and the next one by a pocket 7-10.  A staffer one pair over shot 846 with it last week, and he has a tremendous amount of hand, and was able to get the ball down the lane with lots of ball speed and still carry everything.

I've also used this ball with success on PBA pattern E, especially after some carry down.  On two other PBA patterns, no luck because the ball just hooked too early.  

I have seen other players polish this ball and use it sucessfully, had a 300 bowled against me last week by one, and my wife used hers to win the local Queens tournament averaging 238 for 8 games.  They both have a slower ball speed than I do, the polish helps the ball conserve "energy" for later down the lane.

As the Dynothane arsenal goes, this fits between my Pearl Vendetta and my Thing Lives.

Matt Fortney

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Re: Energy
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2005, 10:30:54 PM »
ball drilled pin above the bridge, cg out 1/2". works out to be about 5 x 4 1/2"

couldn't get a good read on this ball b/c it was catchin up on my thumb, little sandpaper took care of that and wow!

ball got through the heads clean as any, had more midlane than i thought, and made a sharper turn in than i thought. all around impressed with this ball. the only problem i've had with it so far is once they started dryin out a bit, the midlane was a little too much, but as soon as i moved a little left and played more in the oil, took care of that. don't think it would handle a really heavy condition, but on medium oil...golden.



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Re: Energy
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2005, 12:21:04 PM »
There haven't been too many balls that have made me panic after four or five frames that I should have order two, but that's exactly how I felt midway through my first game throwing the The Energy from Dyno-Thane.  

I throw with a lot of speed with a high rev rate and had my 16lb. Energy drilled with the pin above the bridge with the cG 1 inch to the right.  This is absolutely the smoothest ball I've ever thrown--so effortless in fact, I joked to a buddy that it didn't feel legal. With a continuous arc all the way to the pocket, the Energy is easy to read and is versatile enough to use on a variety of oil patterns.  It covers roughly the same amount of boards as a Thing Returns without the hard backend.  Think of the original Thing with all of the modern performance upgrades.  My evaluation based on a scale of 1 to 10.

Overall Performance...10

Whether you're a high or low speed player with varying degrees of rev rates, the Energy from Dyno-Thane is an outstanding product to add to you arsenal.  I have posted this before and will keep saying it, Dyno-Thane produces the best ball line top to bottom in the industry.  I don't post scores as they don't reflect the performance of the ball.  Feel free to ask me a question regarding the Energy or any ball I've reviewed.



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Re: Energy
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2005, 08:18:07 PM »
Ball came in with a 2.5 inch pin and 1.7 oz top.  Drilled it pin inbetween and below the fingers with the cg kicked to the right.  Out of box it is a very good, smooth breaking medium to light heavy oil ball.  I shined mine and the smoothness is still there, really like it, not quite as smooth as the desert heat, but very close.  It is more aggressive than the desert heat.  
This is a very good all around ball, if one were to buy a case you could form an entire arsenal with the energy.  Sand one, leave one or two out of box, shine one or two.  This is a great ball and will not disappointed!

the swedish bowler

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Re: Energy
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2006, 01:03:01 PM »
here comes a question to the people at DT
was this ball serial number 05DNGB22D523
part of the bad batch that doesnt
hook worth a damn. cuz all my other balls hook a lot
more then the energy the lay out is
 o o

x and x= pin and cg


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Re: Energy
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2006, 06:42:54 PM »
Lane surfaces and patterns:

Condition A: Fresh oil on a compromised wood surface (last resurface: 2000)

Condition B: Fresh oil on a good wood surface (Resurfaced 2005)

Condition C:  Second Shift Migration following a 4 man league on a compromised wood surface (last resurface 2000)

Started with 2 ½ top with a 2 ½” pin, Drilled 5X4 with the pin under the ring finger. Remaining weights: ¼ positive, ¼ finger.  This ball was machine shined following drilling.

All conditions were league conditions with significant amounts of oil in the middle of the lane and some friction to the right.  Condition B offered the truest transition of all three conditions with little resistance in the back end.

This ball rolled the cleanest on Condition A through the heads and the mids, and got the best back end reaction on condition B.  This ball seemed to hit the hardest on both condition A and B, while holding the line and pocket with aggressive roll.   This ball offered a mild skid-snap shape on condition A but rolled with a true aggressive arc shape on condition A.
Happy Bowling!

**Member of the Buffalo and New York State Bowling Association Halls of Fame

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