As some of you have read in the last few weeks in an earlier post I created "Push-a-way..... Not so much". Well after a couple weeks of working with the hinge form and a few modifications I came to a very comfortable approach that is 95% effortless and very repeatable shot to shot.
Teusday I got in another 7 games of practice. At 1st when I went for my 1st couple of shots I tried to recreate what I was doing the week before in my wednesday night league which was a 5 step approach. Not quite sure how I was able to do it as I had trouble with the shot 1st thing Tuesday. So I changed up my approach from 5 step to 4 step. I basically take 1 step with my right foot, as I start my 2nd step the hinge goes into motion then the rest is automatic.
Last week I had lots of pulled shots from a number of issues, Tuesday with the modified approach all my issues from the previous week were gone. I'm now feeling the best I've ever felt in my game. The scores yesterday are what I believe just the beginning of whats yet the best to come.
I've been having issues with a slump, all it took was a major game overhaul to rebound. I've shot more 210+ games in the last 2 days then I have in the last 3 months!
Teusday: 215, 211, 288, 215, 220, 210. I was still making little changes with the form. I didn't care about the scores but practice was making sure I can repeat shots easily so naturally I was competitively practice.
Wednesday night I shot: 202, 237, 216 for 655. I wasn't comfortable the 1st game and the 3rd game I need to make a ball change much sooner.
I feel this new form has not yet shown what it can and hopefully will do for me in the future.
Video is posted in the videos section.