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Author Topic: first tosses of the Exodus (Red/Blue)  (Read 1611 times)


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first tosses of the Exodus (Red/Blue)
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:16:08 AM »
I'm calling this one the Red/Blue, as one website did to distinguish it  from the Exodus Iron (a particle ball) and the Exodus Pearl. The red  & blue colors are quite muted on this and you better look twice  before you pick up someone else's ball. Anyway, it's a solid resin with a  2 piece construction - no filler, like many Lane Masters balls
 Drilled mine, 80 x 4.5 x50, pin in ring finger hole, no weight hole. 15 lbs.
 Threw a couple of games last night in practice on used oil which, when  fresh, are a medium-heavy inside,  board to 8 board, with a sparkin'  desert outside of 8. There was surprisingly still enough inside oil to  use this ball, but even the inside gave me pull area, where the fresh  needs a Nano-strength ball to give you that.
 Okay, the good part:
 It still got good and mostly easy length with a hard arc on the backend.
 With more speed, the backend was much reduced. Slow down a little and  you can get a lot more. Control was not a problem.  I agree with one of  Tony's references in the BJI review of this ball: it can be a bechmark  for both general use and as an example of what LordField is capable of  making. If that's the case, their future is rosy.
 Both I and my friend are long time users of Lane Masters balls and his 2 overriding comments were
 1. "It hits like a Lanemasters ball" (he traded his last 2 LM balls away  because they hit too hard and were always leaving solid 8 and 9 pins)
 2. "You're bringing it to league, tomorrow, right?" He said that 3 or 4 times.
 Because my Tuesday league, described above, is closer to medium-heavy  with a severe wet/dry, this ball may be too over/under on fresh  conditions,
 and my Thursday league is more medium-light. I'd have to stand 40 and  try to get it out to 5 board, it is not really suitable for either one.  It seems to be a medium oil benchmark with a hard arcing backend, FOR  ME, WITH MY DRILLING.
 It does hit hard, but many first use balls do. Let's see what happens  after 15 - 20 games. I cleaned it thoroughly with Hook-It before I left  the lanes.       

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

"None are so blind as those who will not see."



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Re: first tosses of the Exodus (Red/Blue)
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2012, 12:19:01 AM »
Pictures of Exodus:

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

"None are so blind as those who will not see."