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Author Topic: Reign of Fire  (Read 26710 times)


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Reign of Fire
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Color: Scarlet/Burnt Orange All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: R2S Solid Reactive
- Weight Block: C.A.M.
- Factory Finish: 1000-grit Abralon
- Flare Potential: 4” - 5” (Medium-High)
- Fragrance: Guava Tangerine
- RG: 16#-2.55, 15#-2.57, 14#-2.61
- RG Diff: 16#-.052, 15#-.048, 14#-.041
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil
- Description: The key to the Reign of Fire is the utilization of the R2S solid reactive coverstock. From its inception, it has proven to be one of the most versatile coverstocks ever manufactured. With its strong surface profile and excellent friction characteristics it was the obvious choice for this latest release.
The fuel for the Fire so to speak is the C.A.M. (Continuous Axis Migration) weight block. The combination of the unique contours along the weight block with the strategically placed weighted mass blocks deliver optimum mid-lane roll with volatile backend reaction.


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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2010, 09:52:40 PM »
Hey guys just wanted to throw my quick review in here on Reign of Fire compared to the Reign. I am the other bowler showed on

MY SPECS: high ball speed, PAP: 5 1/4 x 1 3/8 up, Med-High Revs

DRILLING:I have my Reign and Reign of Fire drilled up 5 x 4 pin 1" above midline with axis in the thumb quadrant.

COMPARISON: The Reign of Fire is easily 5-7 boards stronger up front on the lane then the original Reign. The Reign of Fire and Reign are a great 1-2 combo for any league/ tournament player. The Reign of Fire will handle alot of oil in the heads and towards the end of your league or tournament block the Reign will get thru the heads and have a sharper backend reaction.

MY PREFERENCE: I prefer throwing the Reign of Fire on the fresh (House shots/ Sport Shots as long as the oil is long/ heavy enough). And I roll my Reign alot on my 2nd shift leagues where there is less head oil and alot of carrydown.

SURFACE ADJUSTMENTS: I love my Reign of Fire at 1000 abralon.. with my high ball speed I need the ball to check up early and read the breakpoint. I also tried the Reign of Fire at 4000 as seen on the video. This would be good for bowlers with lower speeds and or bowlers who bowl on lower volumes of oil.

Guys I hope this helps!! Special thanks to Britton for having me a part of videoballreviews and Storm!! Any questions I will be glad to answer just hit me with a message on here or email.

 Vise Grip Staff "choice of champions"
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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 04:13:37 PM »
The New Reign Of Fire is a great compliment to The Reign.  The proven R2S cover on top of the C.A.M core is a win win combo.  When the original Reign gives you a lil to much length, the reign of fire will give you that earlier midlane type of read.  This ball is extremely aggresive and is a must have.  I layed mine out 40x4 1/2x60, and talk about being able to open the lane up when the reign wiggles a lil!!!!  This is a great 1, 2 punch, just like the fast and furious are.  Another fantastic release from our friends at Storm.  Can't wait to get into some tournament action with this one!  Bowl Up A Storm=)
Erik Ramos
PBA Storm Regional Staff


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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 09:43:06 PM »
Hand: Left

Ball Weight: 15lbs

Pin: 2-3

Layout 1: 4 ½ x 5

Layout 2: 5 x 4 ½

I drilled 2 reign of fires and they both are really strong! I thought with the 1000 abralon surface it would be too much but it was clean through the fronts, read the midlanes and still has a lot of backend power. The 5 x 4 ½ was pin above the middle finger and it gives me the length with a lot of backend power. There have been times where I throw the ball and it is good for about a game and 3 frames then I would go to the 4 ½ x 5 which is pin under the bridge and it starts up sooner but mellows out in the backend but still has the punch to knock down all 10 pins. I wanted to drill two so one can compliment each other when needed and have a ball that doesn’t have a sharp backend but still finishes.

I have thrown the reign of fires on the PBA chameleon pattern at a tournament and I used the pin up one the most and the reign of fire did not have that sharp change of direction which was good so it is controllable and even though there was about 5 or 6 lefties that I was following the ball cut through all of mess and got to the pocket GREAT! With the surface on the reign of fire it is great for the longer patterns as well.

I have pictures of my Reign of Fire drilled in my photo album on myspace! If you have any questions about the Reign of Fire email me at

Garrett Richardson
Storm Amateur Staff
Al Louie's Pinole/Diablo Valley Pro Shop

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2010, 11:12:13 PM »
Ok, I havent been able to throw my Reign of Fire yet,,, but here's the specs

Hand: Right

Pin: 2-3in

top: about 3oz

it's drilled  25*x 4 1/2 x 50*  with the pin drilled out for the ring finger.

my Reign is drilled 45* x 4 1/2 x 65*

Basically my proshop guy said it would roll earlier but still have alot of pop on the backend.   I will update how the ball actually performs in a few days.
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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 11:06:16 AM »
I drilled the Reign of Fire with pin over ring, cg on grip line (5 1/4 x 5 3/8), 6 3/4 unmarked mass bias in ball track. This drilling is identical to the drilling on my Reign. I kept the cover at box finish (1000 abralon), but I did add a light coat of Xtra-Shine polish to it. I wanted to keep the over all medium to medium heavy oil intent of the surface prep in mind, but matching it to my softer speed and release. the RoF rolls like a Reign on steroids!. For me, it is stronger in the front, mid-lane, and on the backend of the lane. I have read other reviews, that the RoF is a smoother ball than the Reign, but this isn't the case for my game and drill selection for the ball.
The first time I used the ball was on a house condition, at 38 feet in length. I used it for a few frames the first game, as I was going back and forth between it and the Invasion. Game 2, I decided to use it exclusively, and shot 300 with it playing the lanes from 15 at the arrows out to 6-7 board at the end of the oil pattern. The ball gave me miss left, as well as tug room, with great pin carry. I was immediately impressed with the reaction, and Strong continuos reaction through out the lane with a touch of quit right at the head pin. The Rof has a weaker cover and core than the Invasion, but with the surface prep (even after the coat of polish) the RoF read the front part of the lane better than the Invasion. Also, with fresh backends, the Rof is more angular than the Invasion as well, also due to the surface prep of the two balls. I then was able to use the Rof and the Reign on the PBAX Viper pattern that following Monday. I used the Reign for the start of the league on the fresh, and switched to the Rof After I started to get carrydown, and the Reign did not have enough cover to make the turn (the Reign is finished with 1200 cab sanding disc, with Xrta-shine on top for a nice gloss finish). The RoF was able to pick up and roll strong through the backend, but still allowing me to keep my angles closed through the front part of the lane, one of the things that I need to do to be successful on the PBA patterns.
I then was able to use the Reign and the Rof in a local tournament last weekend. It was a 36 foot flat pattern. Again, I was able to start with the Reign, and go firm with my speed, and a weak release to start the ball at 10 over 7-8 at the arrows, out to 5-6. This worked for the first 3 games or so, until I then had to go to the Rof, as the Reign would not read the carrydown for me. As the day went on, and I had to chase the pattern in, I then went back to the Reign, as the front part of the lane was gone (not easy crossing all the traffic in the heads when you have to get deep as a left hander). The C.A.M. core was the only core that gave me a consistent ball reaction on that pattern.
In closing, the Reign of Fire is a much stronger version of the Reign. It uses the same core, with a solid R2S cover, with a very aggressive 1000 abralon box finish. I really like this match of cover to core as it is the same cover as the Furious. I do find however, that it will read the backend stronger than the Furious, but I also can get the core to quit right at the pocket, as the Furious wants to continue through, as it hasn't found it's preferred spin axis. This gives me more control at the pocket, (yielding a higher carry percentage) even though the RoF is stronger in the backend than both the Furious and the Reign.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 10:59:27 PM »
16# - 2.18 top - 3.50” pin
Layout: pin 1” above my fingers on the centerline above the bridge w/ cg under the ring finger on the centerline

Bacon makes any entrée better and the CAM core does the same for a bowling ball!

The first reaction you will probably have as you unbox this nugget is “WOW! I am not throwing that dusty ball!” I fought the urge to polish this ball as I wanted to try it in the form Boomershine designed. Well almost, I sprayed some Bowling Concept cleaner on it since it shines a ball up on a spinner. So with a light gloss I was off to try it.

Basically, I was eight (8) boards further left then I have used my Reign in that house. Let the fun begin when you have so much room. I was having no problem getting the ball down the lane and it definitely could not wait to return to the 1-3. One of the shots fell off of my hand, went wide and snapped the rack out. That shot showed me how ruthless this ball behaves. The state of the cover sent my feet and eyes into two-stepping to the left all night. This ball is going to be sprayed and spun longer this time as the first spin burned off over the course of three games. I tried it at another house on Wednesday it was WAY TO MUCH BALL for the volume this center uses.

If you’re looking for a mid-price ball that will let you free wheel it, this ball will fill that void. Beware that this ball out of the box will require more head oil than most. This ball does not skid past the break point and the ball makes a continuous motion down the lane that is predictable

In comparison, the Invasion with the pin in the same spot and the “Bolt” three inches from my thumb was 3 boards stronger in practice and 5-6 stronger at the end of the night. Next week I think I am going to force it on my hand to see how different it reacts.

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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 12:42:54 PM »
15# 3.04 TW, 3-4 pin. shined with reacta shine

Layout= 5 x 3 (Pin in Middle Finger), x hole down axis

basically the ball is a supercharged version of the reign.
League 1 - THS (light to medium , fast backends)

ball ended up being too strong unless im using deep angles.
League 2- Modified house shot (to score you must play 5 and out)
due to the increased volume of oil im able to play with this ball on the right side of the lane. the reign of fire is very strong through the midlane and is actually sharper on the backend then my reign.

if you want a ball thats' coverstock is very adjustable along with a strong motion. get this ball.
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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2010, 01:11:05 PM »
Got mine drilled by Mike T. at Top Fit Pro Shop in Westminster (the best driller in Denver IMHO). It is drilled 5 x 3 and is just a monster of a ball. Bowled a 246 first game OOB. I did end up putting polish over the box finish so I could get it down the lane a little easier. So far in three weeks my lowest series with it is 638 and highest was at a tourney yesterday where I shot 739! Great ball to swing as it recovers from anywhere and just destroys the pins. I highly recommend this ball!!



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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2010, 11:32:17 AM »
just got the reign of fire     drilled it with the pin beside the ring finger
the center of gravity 1" left of ctr of grip   (i am a lefty)
i have a speed of 15.5    i come straight up the back of the ball
had to move my feet 9 to the right, my mark 3 right to the 12 board          this ball just plain rips up the pins  i use the dimension polished as my  go to ball
 when i learn to control the fire i will post the scores  209,211 my first 2 games  STORM JUST DOES IT RIGHT!!!


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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2010, 01:51:39 PM »

The Reign of Fire, the latest addition to family of the “Thunder Line”.
 It is a solid reactive that will give you a great  response in medium to heavy oil and when it encounters the dry it drives to the pocket  crushing the pins.
I kept my 15lb 4oz ball with the 1000 grit box finish. It had a 3 to 3 ½ pin and 2.9oz of top weight.
I used a  4x4 drilling with a ½ inch pin buffer and no extra hole on the pap was necessary.
This drilling gives  me a strong response in the oil with my ball speed being in the 13 to 17 mph range. It also gives me an arcing motion as it goes down the lane with authority. It’s a great sister to the “Reign”
I used this on several tournament and house patterns , which included a 39 foot blended house pattern on synthetics and a 42’ pattern on a guardian and wood surface.
Storm once again gives the bowler a great piece of equipment in the mid price range that not only destroys the pins but the competition, too.  

Thank you Storm once again.

Mark Weiss
Storm Regional Staff member


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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2010, 11:19:15 AM »
I drill up my Reign of Fire 4 1/4 x 3 3/4  Ball speed over 17 plus rev rate over 425.  Let me tell you this ball has so much pin action that it keeps the pins low and scatters them like nothing.   It is good for med. to heavy oil.    I think everybody should get this ball and you will see a diffrence when you throw it.  Also check it out on youtube.

Billy Rohde  Amateur Staff  
Storm  The Bowler''s Company

Tom Hess

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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2010, 10:05:33 AM »
I drilled my Reign of Fire to match a T-Road solid that I was looking to replace. I placed the pin in the ring finger and the cg is stacked straight down under the pin. The pin was 2 1/4 inches from cg. No hole and OOB finish.

The Reign of Fire read the midlane about 1 foot sooner than the T-Road, with a much sharper breakpoint and no quit on the backend. I had to play the lanes 4 and 2 left when using the Reign of Fire as compared to my T-Road solid. Shots that were just inside the intended target with the T-Road came up light due to the heavy oil in the middle of the lane on the house shot, but not with the Reign of Fire. I was able to miss in and still have the ball make the corner and carry.

The Reign of Fire was a great compliment to my Furiuos also. I like to use a pin down Furious to even out the over under on fresh house shot conditions as it will handle the oil and not jerk off the dry. I was able to start with the Furious and then when I needed to move left and create more angle the Reign of Fire allowed me to do that with more control at the breakpoint than a pearl shell ball.

The Reign of Fire will be a great ball for medium to heavy oil lane conditions and also synthetic lane surfaces.

Put your favorite layout in a Reign of Fire and Bowl Up A Storm!!!
Tom Hess
Storm Regional Staff
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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2010, 04:03:15 AM »
Drilling. 55x5x45. I can't stress how good this ball really is. the coverstock works perfectly with the core, and the reaction is just incredible. I have a similarly drilled Virtual Gravity and the ROF is about 4 boards stronger but its the movement off the back of the pattern that is so impressive. I did change the cover to 2000 abr. as the box finish was just a bit early on this particular pattern (scorpion). I sometimes struggle with wet dry house shots at first and have to play the side of the pattern and not the back, with this ball I don't have to get it out early to finish and trip the corners out. Over all super predictable awsome mid lane read and I feel much better backend reaction than the Virtual Gravity. Great job Storm, and I hope this core is in future products.


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Re: Reign of Fire
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2010, 07:10:18 PM »
I drilled my ball with a 4.5" pin and a 4 3/16" pin buffer. I throw the ball about 15.8 mph and would be close to a cranker style, but not quite a true cranker. The shot I bowl on is a 41' typical house pattern and is on wood lanes. I drilled this layout to replace my Storm Dimension. This ball not only replaces my Dimension, but it surpasses my every expectation. It reads the midlane just as easily as the dimension, but carrys through the pins much stronger. The CAM weightblock has such a smooth transition, and yet still just has huge amounts of power at the end of the lane. If you watch my ball reaction video on YouTube ,( you will see that I stood in one place and could strike anywhere on the lane. It can come back from anywhere on a house pattern, but what really impresses me is how well it sits through the oil in the middle. Just a fabulous ball! I can't say enough about it. I am recommending this ball to anyone looking for a smooth arcing ball that can still carry. Storm has done it again!

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