I would like to say Congratulations to my wife for a wonderful weekend of bowling. Also would like to Thank Global for producing some of the finest products on the market at the moment.
I am in no way a staffer, but living in SA and knowing several of the key members of Global/AMF the wife and I have given them a serious look see.
This weekend Christina(my wife) was a last minute sub for the Texas State mixed tournament in Austin. This would not be such a big deal if she was bowling more than 6 games a month and had some time to practice, but with the move and her new job she has little time for either at this time.
She recently had a new maniac drilled and with only 9 games on the ball, she preceded to average 218 for 9 games using the Maniac all 9 minus spares.
She did not have the highest of games, but by the same token only had one game below 200 and as of this morning with the tournament being over she placed in singles, doubles and is the winner for all-events.
The success of the weekend was largely a surprise with not much time devoted to bowling these days, and the newness of the Maniac. We had the maniac drilled with a negative pin to even out the motion of the ball, and with the easy revs and mid lane read this really made the ball even through out.
So while the bounty might be the nice new hook monster, we all need a true read ball and for us the Maniac has won the right to be the first out of the bag.