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Author Topic: 900 Global Coverstocks  (Read 12788 times)


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900 Global Coverstocks
« on: November 15, 2019, 01:26:12 PM »
Hey Global fam, I have some questions about Global's coverstocks. I struggle a few things, and I'm hoping some of yous guys can help. Here are my questions, in absolutely no particular order:

  • Is there a chart anywhere that shows cover strength in relation to each other? I know Storm & Roto have charts like this which are periodically updated.
  • What do letters & numbers in their coverstock name mean? For example, the Inception & Inception Pearl used S74R;  the various badgers use S71; the Flux uses S72R; the Eon uses S82RX; the Boosts have S43; and I think the Ordnance uses 70. Does the S mean something vs. covers without an S? Same goes for the R, RX, or no letter? What's more important in the number, first or second digit? It's all a little confusing for me because I get similar reactions from covers that are 20 numbers apart. Any and all guidance in better understanding these cover names would be awesome
  • From my understandstanding, Storm pours the Global covers. Are there any direct comparisons in covers between the Global covers and Storm/Roto covers?

Thank you!
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Impending Doom

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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2019, 02:58:59 PM »
Hey Global fam, I have some questions about Global's coverstocks. I struggle a few things, and I'm hoping some of yous guys can help. Here are my questions, in absolutely no particular order:

  • Is there a chart anywhere that shows cover strength in relation to each other? I know Storm & Roto have charts like this which are periodically updated.
  • What do letters & numbers in their coverstock name mean? For example, the Inception & Inception Pearl used S74R;  the various badgers use S71; the Flux uses S72R; the Eon uses S82RX; the Boosts have S43; and I think the Ordnance uses 70. Does the S mean something vs. covers without an S? Same goes for the R, RX, or no letter? What's more important in the number, first or second digit? It's all a little confusing for me because I get similar reactions from covers that are 20 numbers apart. Any and all guidance in better understanding these cover names would be awesome
  • From my understandstanding, Storm pours the Global covers. Are there any direct comparisons in covers between the Global covers and Storm/Roto covers?

Thank you!

No, no chart, but that would rule.

Back in the day, Global used S in front of the cover stock number to be able to tell it apart from the AMF covers, which start with F.
Now, for the number, it's supposed to be how strong the cover is. That being said, core shape really will dictate motion. A Link (please bring it back!) With S30 is going to shape differently than a After Dark with S30. Why? Core shape. Same with S43. Hooks and Boosts, same cover, different shapes. I honestly think the higher the number, the faster it CAN slow down. S30 gets thru any oil like plastic. S70, not so much.

Now, with the letters after the numbers, it usually indicates some sort of additive that's been added to the base resin to achieve some different roll characteristics. Personally, I think the R is to give it a little more midlane without sacrificing backend, and the RX feels like a little bit of (shhh) particle type additive.

When Storm bought controlling interest in Global Foundries (Not 900 Global), they basically said "Utah can't keep up, we need to start using your plant too." But we had already been making Tropical Heats for them prior to 900 Global even being created.

We didn't have the ability to do 3 color, Utah did. So for a little while there, there was a "Storm" influence on some of the covers (Which I didn't dig). Seemingly, that's calmed down. We have a fabulous set of cores (See any post of mine regarding the Clutch Pearl) and covers are getting better all the time.


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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2019, 04:06:59 PM »
Wow thanks for the decoder ring Doom (not sarcasm didn't know about letters after numbers either).
Here today.  Gone tomorrow.


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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2019, 04:26:47 PM »
Just to add to Doom's explanation the Boost's and Hook's are S43 covers. The AMF Xcite's are F43; yet the core is different than the Boost's (Xcite 2.55/.046 vs. Boost 2.54/.043).


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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2019, 04:34:41 PM »
This is all great feedback! Thank you Doom.

Let me layout the scenario last night that caused me to ask this question. I'd love some takes on this:

Thursday is second-shift league night. We bowl at a house with a typical house pattern (probably around 40 feet) after a 4-person league. This week, I started with my Bubblegum Boost, and once I got deep enough, it just wasn't carrying corners so I switched to my Teal HB. During practice, and when I switched, the Boost was starting up a little earlier and making a more gradual turn. This surprised me because both balls have a similar pin position, and are both OOB surface (1500 polished). My game plan, initially, was to start with the Teal and then switch to the Boost. I'm curious as to why this happened.

Boost Specs
S43 Pearl
Layout is 5" x 40*

Teal HB Specs
S71 Pearl
Layout is 60* x 4.5 x 30*

In my brain, I'd expect the stronger cover (28 numbers higher) to start up sooner. However, it seems that the higher RG and smaller VAL angle helped push the ball down the lane. Perhaps VAL angle is just super duper important in controlling the length of time a ball spends in its hook phase? Perhaps the RG difference of .03 really pushes the ball down lane that much more?
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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2019, 06:23:34 PM »
I know for me personally on house shots, I generally start weaker and then ball up when moving inside. It just comes down to getting the proper angle. Could be stronger and smoother or could be stronger and quicker response to friction.

Impending Doom

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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2019, 09:49:46 AM »
This is all great feedback! Thank you Doom.

Let me layout the scenario last night that caused me to ask this question. I'd love some takes on this:

Thursday is second-shift league night. We bowl at a house with a typical house pattern (probably around 40 feet) after a 4-person league. This week, I started with my Bubblegum Boost, and once I got deep enough, it just wasn't carrying corners so I switched to my Teal HB. During practice, and when I switched, the Boost was starting up a little earlier and making a more gradual turn. This surprised me because both balls have a similar pin position, and are both OOB surface (1500 polished). My game plan, initially, was to start with the Teal and then switch to the Boost. I'm curious as to why this happened.

Boost Specs
S43 Pearl
Layout is 5" x 40*

Teal HB Specs
S71 Pearl
Layout is 60* x 4.5 x 30*

In my brain, I'd expect the stronger cover (28 numbers higher) to start up sooner. However, it seems that the higher RG and smaller VAL angle helped push the ball down the lane. Perhaps VAL angle is just super duper important in controlling the length of time a ball spends in its hook phase? Perhaps the RG difference of .03 really pushes the ball down lane that much more?

The only thing I can think of is that with it being second shift, the teal was actually expending energy too soon. Take them on the fresh, and the stronger cover will win.

I actually had a situation like this years back. I drilled a Havoc and Phenom Unleashed. On the house shot, the Havoc hooked circles around the PU. On a PBA pattern, however, the Havoc was a dart and the PU was a monster.


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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2019, 06:15:44 PM »
This is all great feedback! Thank you Doom.

Let me layout the scenario last night that caused me to ask this question. I'd love some takes on this:

Thursday is second-shift league night. We bowl at a house with a typical house pattern (probably around 40 feet) after a 4-person league. This week, I started with my Bubblegum Boost, and once I got deep enough, it just wasn't carrying corners so I switched to my Teal HB. During practice, and when I switched, the Boost was starting up a little earlier and making a more gradual turn. This surprised me because both balls have a similar pin position, and are both OOB surface (1500 polished). My game plan, initially, was to start with the Teal and then switch to the Boost. I'm curious as to why this happened.

Boost Specs
S43 Pearl
Layout is 5" x 40*

Teal HB Specs
S71 Pearl
Layout is 60* x 4.5 x 30*

In my brain, I'd expect the stronger cover (28 numbers higher) to start up sooner. However, it seems that the higher RG and smaller VAL angle helped push the ball down the lane. Perhaps VAL angle is just super duper important in controlling the length of time a ball spends in its hook phase? Perhaps the RG difference of .03 really pushes the ball down lane that much more?

The only thing I can think of is that with it being second shift, the teal was actually expending energy too soon. Take them on the fresh, and the stronger cover will win.

I actually had a situation like this years back. I drilled a Havoc and Phenom Unleashed. On the house shot, the Havoc hooked circles around the PU. On a PBA pattern, however, the Havoc was a dart and the PU was a monster.

Alright, that's a good take on this. I do bowl in a pattern league. When we bowl on the long one, I'll bring these two and just see what the heck happens.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."

max revs

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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2019, 11:38:00 PM »
To add onto what Doom has already said the letter at the end of # like s72R is just to say it was from a different vender. I assume they get stuff from different ones and that's how they declare which is from which if that makes since. This is direct from someone that works there because I asked the same thing because I seem to match up with the pearl covers that have R at the end then the ones that don't so I emailed and asked lol. All great stuff.

For the question about the boost vs teal, playing around on the blueprint program with my PSO I learned a lot about using too strong a ball too early or on most patterns. My guess on the house shot the boost was retaining energy and working well vs the teal burning up so to speak some til some oil was pushed down and probably moved in alittle. Hopefully that makes since and keep striking


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Re: 900 Global Coverstocks
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2019, 08:31:10 AM »
To add onto what Doom has already said the letter at the end of # like s72R is just to say it was from a different vender. I assume they get stuff from different ones and that's how they declare which is from which if that makes since. This is direct from someone that works there because I asked the same thing because I seem to match up with the pearl covers that have R at the end then the ones that don't so I emailed and asked lol. All great stuff.

For the question about the boost vs teal, playing around on the blueprint program with my PSO I learned a lot about using too strong a ball too early or on most patterns. My guess on the house shot the boost was retaining energy and working well vs the teal burning up so to speak some til some oil was pushed down and probably moved in alittle. Hopefully that makes since and keep striking

That's really interesting about the letters! That makes sense to me. I find myself really liking the S74R coverstock in EVERYTHING - it's a really good and versatile coverstock. I've had much success with solid, pearl, and hybrid versions of it.

Regarding the boost & teal sitch, that makes sense to me. The lanes, even though second shift, were a bit over/under down around the breakpoint. Maybe the Teal was reading a bit too early from the right, but couldn't make it back from inside - which is why I started with the Boost, playing straighter. Once they went away, I could move in and Wheely Tealy time!
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."