Per the article are each step in the sanding process is outlined and with what type sanding paper is used. For example, our polish finish goes through the steps in the following order:
1) Sander #1 = 50 micron
2) Sander #2 = 50 micron
3) Sander #3 = 40 micron
4) Sander #4 = 30 micron
5) Then to the brown compound #1
6) Then to the brown compound #2
7) Then right to the white compound

Followed by a dry buff
9) Next the "wax/polish" is applied
10) Final dry buff
In the article we also state the our micron pads are from 3M.
This should answer your question on how balls goes from sanding to compound/polish. For whatever finish we have listed on the box, we follow the sequence of steps per the article to get to that finish. Our polish is a grit polish. AMF and 900 Global use these same sets of finish chemicals...only one type of factory brown compound, one factory white compound, and one factory wax/polish. Currently we do not sell our polishes. It is something that we might look into in the future. We suggest, again per the article, that to get our compound finishes you apply an ~ 1200-1500 grit compound (depending upon the method of application) and then to get our polish finish apply an ~ 2000 grit polish Hope this clears a little bit more up.