There are a number of things you have to consider when taking into consideration core designs with similar physical appearances and shapes. Firstly, the way we mill, mount, mold and fill the core is going to differ from other Manufacturers. Additionally, the positioning of the core within the ball (such as the relative degree of off set on the 4 nodes/protrusions on the design) is going to differ as well. All in all, you can't simply look at core shape and RG/Diff numbers from separate Manufacturers and assume that they will flare, etc with the same characteristics and attributes.
To keep things simple and answer your question, yes the shape is similar to an Inferno core, but you CAN NOT look at it as an Inferno core with a 900 Global shell.
Thomas R, thanks for being so forth coming in your reply to my question. I really appreciate your insight on the topic at hand. The last thing one wants to do is to purchase a relabeled remake of a dud only to find out you bought the same dud again.