ya mine is 5 1/8 x 4 1/4 with the pin sitting directly ontop of my ring finger, with the CG 1:30 from my thumb. The ball was a 2nd with a 5 inch pin to CG distance.
Mine is clean through the heads, picks up pretty strong in the mids, and very hard arc off friction. a farily worn 4000 abralon, which put a slight polishy look to it. It is a strong ball, decievingly strong, it is always a good step down from a strong solid reactive, and lets me play shots were all my other pearls won't let me.
Carry is the best I have ever came across. The ball carries superbly on anything from med-heavy to med-light, harder to control on med-light though since it is such a strong pearl.
What is sandbagging???