Featuring the Break Asymmetric core and wrapped with the new S25 Hybrid coverstock, the Shadow OPS is the perfect weapon to use on shorter patterns and extreme wet-dry oil conditions.
The new S25 hybrid coverstock is an 80/20 urethane and reactive blend, giving the bowler the best of both worlds.
We tried the Shadow OPS on a fresh house shot pattern. The first thing I noticed when I started warming up with the ball is how strong it is down the lane compared to other urethane balls I have used in the past.
The Shadow Ops is only 80% urethane in the coverstock, with the other 20% being reactive resin, this blend provides more length and a stronger move down the lane. All this without losing that typical urethane motion.
I was able to play with the Shadow OPS close to my comfort zone and the ball never overreacted even with the added downlane motion.
Misses outside and the ball had some recovery to hit light pocket and misses inside the ball pushes down the lane without going sideways.
The Shadow OPS is extremely controllable and easy to read. I had to play close to the track to have a good motion with it. This ball is a great option when you have to play straighter up the lane and you have to keep a tighter angle to the pocket.
When I tried to move right once I started to see some carry down, the ball still offered me some recovery compared to other urethane balls that are earlier and smoother, but I wouldn't use this ball when I need play steeper angles. 900 Global has other options like the Honey Badger to open up the lane.
I found the Shadow OPS to be more versatile than I thought. I feel that 900 Global described the ball perfectly. It is a ball that is as strong as a reactive ball, but at the same time is not as smooth as a urethane ball.
The 80/20 blend gives this ball a motion I have never seen before. It has unique motion, it rolls like a urethane ball, smooth and predictable with the carry of a reactive ball.
Overall I feel that this ball is a great addition to the 900 Global lineup. It is a motion that I have never seen before.
The Shadow OPS gives you the predictability of a urethane ball and the shape down the lane of a reactive ball. This ball will be a great option to blend those typical over/under conditions and also a great weapon to use on short oil patterns where you need to control the breakpoint but at the same time have a stronger down lane motion.
Thank you for watching!