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Author Topic: 900 Global Zen Gold Label Review  (Read 15500 times)


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900 Global Zen Gold Label Review
« on: July 19, 2023, 09:49:31 PM »
This is the newest ball in the Zen line and features a new cover called Reserve Blend 801 Pearl, Meditate Symmetric Core, and reacta gloss finish. First look at this ball the colors remind me of a Dark Code or UC2. After throwing this ball on house, challenge, and sport patterns it is cleaner and more angular off the spot than the OG Zen. The GL will be more of a skip/flip type of reaction compared to the OG Zen. The OG Zen is earlier and rounder on the lanes for me. I never matched up to the OG Zen even though I really wanted to but the shape of the Zen GL matches up better with my game. I can see being able to carry both these balls in your bag without overlap. When the OG Zen is starting to read earlier than you want, you can switch to the GL for a cleaner cover and more length. And the same when the GL is going too long, you can switch to the OG Zen to read the lanes earlier. This will be a good ball for transition when you need a cleaner ball through the fronts, move left, and still need the ball to make the corner down lane.  Side note: To me, the shape of this ball reminds me of a Dark Code. I wish I still had a Dark Code to compare to but unfortunately I do not.

Tobias Myers



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Re: 900 Global Zen Gold Label Review
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2023, 02:45:30 PM »
Sam Cooper-Roto Grip Amateur Staffer
Layout 55×5 1/4″x40
Enter another Zen!
I was a very avid thrower of the original Zen. Love the smoother yet quicker motion of the original. I put many many games on that ball, but I always said I wish the cover was slightly weaker. Being in Western PA we deal with a lot of friction meaning that the bigger the core the more tendencies to “burn up” or loose energy. The Gold Label having that weaker/cleaner cover is exactly the answer. The reserve blend 801 cover gets the ball down lane easier than the Response S77 cover of the original but makes that same Zen motion. I believe this is even more versatile than the original one and used by a wide variety of styles. It is a step down from the original Zen or the Roto Grip Duo when those balls are hooking too early. It would be a great piece for the middle of anyone’s bag.


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Re: 900 Global Zen Gold Label Review
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2023, 11:19:02 AM »
Hey everyone, I'm back with another ball review, and this time it's for the 900 Global Zen Gold Label!

In 15 pounds this ball is wrapped in The ALL-NEW Reserve Blend 801 Pearl Cover and comes with Reacta Gloss and an RG of 2.49, Diff of .051.

I don't get to throw as many of the 900 Global balls as I would like and haven't thrown the entire ZEN line. With that being said I did throw the ZEN Master and ZEN Soul and both balls came with surface and were much stronger than the ZEN Gold Label as this ball comes shiny and reacta gloss. Just these surface differences make these balls different and can be in the same bag I did find the ZEN Soul and Master to be very close to each other and would not suggest them to be paired together.

Onto the review of the ZEN Gold Label I did find this a fun ball to throw and what that means for me is being a low rev player I like these kinds of balls that get down the lane and restore energy for the end of the pattern. Staying closer to the gutter and track is where I found it to be best as I moved left I did not have the revs to get it back. I do see this ball getting a lot of play after a few games are on the pair or a shorter pattern and/or lower volume of oil is on the lane.

The video is up at

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