I'll give a couple of quick impressions. This is an old wood, high friction environment, yet still a THS......but when the heads go it can become tougher. High scoring, but pair to pair quite notable differences, especially depending on who one is on the pair with.
ADP - This is not a "piece" (s/o northface) I'm going to shape from inside. Much better look being 2nd arrow and out, firm and with a good roll playing direct but still going a little left-to-right (think 9 at arrows to about 6 at the spot, that type of line). That's this balls' wheelhouse, FOR ME. I can get it down lane in the friction and it comes off the spot hard, but again....I have to stay away from the headpin and just let it come to.
Boost Pearl - This is my go to ball when I get inside 2nd arrow and need something with some diff to turn the corner. Low mileage on this thing but it's definitely a great ball that will be in my bag a while. I think this will be a killer burn ball for something like the Journal/Nationals.