slightly off topic but related...
I normally throw 16#, but I serendipitously found out that the 13# Columbia Resurgence moves and carries incredibly well - much better than the 14# or 16# Resurgences I had. Many people I''ve told have not believed me until they''ve seen it with their own eyes.
I brought it out again last week on a THC and again had a 700 without working particularly hard at it. I can hardly believe it myself. I''m currently a barely 200+ player on house conditions so 700''s are not an everyday series score for me. I almost always come straight through the ball, and I don''t rev the 13# up any more due to different hand action than I do with my 16# balls.
I''m thinking of buying a variety of 13#s cheap on ebay and doing some experimentation.
One thing for sure...this whole ball weight - kinetic energy on impact etc. is more subtle than many realize.
Throwing rocks at sticks...Does it get any better than this?
Edited on 5/17/2010 10:31 AM