For the Moxie, my guess is because the Dream Big is coming out, there would have been some overlap within their asymmetricals. As for the All Day, I'm thinking that the Black Ops and the Break Down both simply took its spot.
Am I right in saying that 900 global have made one moxie and no other version? I would say because of the success the Respect has had ( can't believe I have to wait 2 weeks for mine to come in ) and with the Respect pearl coming out I would say this is the ball 900 global are pushing more, plus Chris Barnes has stated it's his favourite ball too. A respect solid would be very interesting.
Quote from: kopking666 on May 31, 2015, 04:21:38 AMAm I right in saying that 900 global have made one moxie and no other version? I would say because of the success the Respect has had ( can't believe I have to wait 2 weeks for mine to come in ) and with the Respect pearl coming out I would say this is the ball 900 global are pushing more, plus Chris Barnes has stated it's his favourite ball too. A respect solid would be very interesting. They only made one Moxie and they won't be making any more balls with that name. If they decided to make a ball with the same/similar cover and core, it wouldn't be called Moxie for legal reasons.
I assume respect line has more commotion, kinda like the...prodigy... Then marvel, marvel pearl, modern marvel? Its nothing new lol. They pick the one that sells and make a whole Iine of em.
Dont say that silly start up brand "MOXY"?