I have one mine is drilled with pin over ring finger with cg stacked under ring no balance hole needed.
On our house shot which is a 38 foot christmas tree pattern 10 to 10 and spark boards out side of that but the oil volume is light to begin with breaks down quick. It is old wood house.
It is my second favorite ball to my link but it is my benchmark ball. It ignores the heads picks up mid lane and makes a very strong move to pocket have not found it affected by light carrydown. I bought it to fill hole between my break pearl and my link. I must admit it is not what i was expecting I am not saying that it is stronger than my break pearl but on the house shot I bowl on it covers more area than the break pearl. I really havent found enough head oil to make my break pearl shine. It is a very strong ball on a ths. My link goes alot longer and has a smooth arc and my break pearl picks up lane about 5 foot sooner and arc rolls out into pocket cause i use it on a condition i shouldnt. It is amazing when I go to other houses. GREAT BALL so much BANG for low dollars recommend this great piece to all.
As you can imagine bowling with wrong hand is going not so well but I sure look darn good doing it, being the biggest 900 global pimp in the area.
Arsenal Break s 75, break pearl, awakening, link, <--14lb arsenal (break solid, creature pearl,)15lb more global to come