Going to start bowling in a league again real soon, and decided I should update my equipment. I've currently got the original Dynothane Element and the Vendetta. The Element was my go to ball, and the Vendetta for dry lanes (although it was probably always a little too strong for that). Lately I've been struggling with the Vendetta hooking too early and too much.
Since three balls is probably not in my budget, at least not early on, I'm looking for two balls that cover the widest range of lane conditions with the smallest (or no) gap in the middle. Given that I dont intend to bowl in tournaments just yet..my assumption is that I wont see true heavy oil or no oil at all.
Given the fact that I always loved Dynothane, 900 Global seemed the way to go (although anyones take on Storm, Particularly for the weaker ball, would be appreciated as well). I was thinking the Break Out and the Lunatic, but was afraid that the Lunatic might be a little too strong as well. At the same time I'm afraid to go all the way down to a Link, as that could leave me a gap in the middle.
Any suggestions? Not real technical on bowling terms...but I averaged just under 200 4 years ago. I'd guess I'm a medium ball speed tweener (16-17 mph), fair amount of revs but not as much as the young kids I see on my sons bowling team.
Additional information is that price is a concern, but a secondary one. If a mid-priced ball works I dont HAVE to have the top of the line. Also appreciated how long the Dynothane's lasted, so that is a big concern as well Would prefer balls that have a controlled reaction as opposed to a hockey stick.