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Author Topic: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?  (Read 34277 times)


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Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« on: December 10, 2007, 06:50:35 PM »
Title says it all.



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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2007, 08:16:42 AM »
Woohoo! You show 'em, Phil.

= Break Pearl


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2007, 08:22:07 AM »
Now they finally have been able to produce ball 3-4.
Insite's equipment if I am not mistaken only makes 100 of each ball isn't that why they were 250.00 a ball.  

5 Balls by InSite:
Second Coming          
The Prophecy

Only their latest release was limited to 100.

They also have 4 balls.  Now you have 900 Global who pours AMF, 900Global, and Lane #1.  900Global has 5 balls released and out to the public.  Globe ball, BAM plastic, Break, Creature, and the overseas DVA open ball.  They are PBA registered for the shoes.  

So, for intensive purposes, 900 Global only has 2 performance releases.
Maybe we should revisit this subject after about 4 or 5, as this seems to be the baseline ofor this site.

Point is MegaMav get off of you arrogant trip and start throwing you Brunswick balls that die after about and average of 50 games.  I will continue to throw my same break that I have over 100 games on and still be throwing it when you are on you 2nd or 3rd Brunswick ball becuase of ball death.

I thought you were on the right track to making a legitimate argument until you made the above statement. 900 Global doesnt hold a candle to the juggernaut of the bowling ball industry, Brunswick. Bruswick has been the front runner in the market for MANY years, and producing quality products far before you or I were born. I use Brunswick products that are up to 12 years old, and still perform at their peak. Last night I used my 1997 Danger Zone with over 500 games on it with 0 resufaces or rejuventations for a consistent and solid 674 after putting away a new product. The proof is in the pudding. So far 900 Global is only holding the powder packet.

I have to laugh at everybody that complains about ball death but stays with those companies.  I now have the following balls that have not been resurfaced and still react like new from AMF/900Global.
NightHawk Solid-140 games never resurfaced
Venom-200 games never resurfaced
2-Breaks with 100 games
TNT-120 Games



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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2007, 08:32:46 AM »

900G produces balls for AMF, Lane #1, and Storm (some).

AMF, Lane #1, and Storm (obviously) have their own forums.

Other companies that DON'T make their own equipment (Insite and Banger) HAVE their own forum.

But 900G DOESN'T HAVE their own forum.

So I ask you, Mega:

Does this not sound a little unfair?


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2007, 08:37:31 AM »

I applaud their efforts to produce high quality bowling balls on their own behalf and contractually for others.
It is only a matter of time before they get their own forum on here, thats a fact.

But is the time right now?
There is a right of passage it seems on this site.
4-5 performance releases under their name seems to be the baseline.

I'm just stating what I think is happening here.
To be honest with all of you, I think just as production companies should get a forum, the "Out of business" companies should have their forums removed.


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2007, 08:53:54 AM »
I was not talking older balls Mega.  The newer south of the border balls are not anything like the state made brunswicks or older.  But if you really want to go there
AMF Bone XS 300+games on it
AMF Focus Reactive Blue 350 +
AMF Bull Whip 500+
AMF NightHawk first release 650+
AMF Cobra 4-500 games.  

Used these balls all the time before I was married and bowled league 5nights a week and tournaments on the weekend.  That is not where I am going with this though and not keep going back and forth.
Derek Trowbridge
900 Global:No oil pattern we can't tame


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2007, 09:39:11 AM »
Is producing 5 balls that do the same thing and flood the market the criteria for a forum spot. Or is sharing knowledge about product, performance, resins and care for the product a better reason. Or this is the touchy one, selling on the internet so bowler can go around pro shops to save a few bucks the real criteria.


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2007, 12:54:33 PM »
Hey guys here is my 2 cents. First I throw brunswick's new stuff from south of the border and all of my balls have at 100 games on them and I have yet to resurface them and they react the same as I bought them. Second I think the only ball company with ball death that I know of is EBONITE and its family. I work in a proshop and that is the only ball death company. 900global is great for the sport. Phil Cardinale is probably one of the smartest guys in bowling. We have been selling a ton of 3G shoes ever since they have come out. I am sure 900 global has some of the longest lasting covers as I believe they are pouring BASF covers, the same as the old columbia and track. I would def. be throwing 900global, but their bowling balls are not eligible for the PBA TOUR. I believe though it is registered for the PBA regional tour which is huge. I am sure that when they come out with more bowling balls they will be completely registered. Good Luck Phil and 900 global you have something very special to be able to compete with the top companies. I am sure I will be throwing some of your stuff in the future.

Edited on 12/11/2007 1:55 PM
Motiv Regional Staff
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Mouse's Bowling Garage


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2007, 01:06:30 PM »
I haven't been on this site in a while and to my suprise InSite and Banger have a forum. This is great for them, but this is an "INFORMATIVE SITE" and should and always be treated as such for all brands. 900 Global's staff and knowledge about design, production, and sales weren't scrapped from the likes of Mickey Mouse. There are many people interested in this brand and have seen as of late a want for their own forum. 900 Global has 2 performance balls (testing 2 new one's now) and have a full line of polyster and shoes. They pro duce not only their own but AMF (affiliate), STORM, and LANE #1. I ask "What is ballreview's criteria for a forum on this site or have we hit a little speed bump on political ground?" I don't like this at all. Leave this site to the bowlers because they've been asking for this forum for a while.

Bo Littlefield
AMF300 and 900 Global Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio
-only pro shop in Texas with the largest selection and inventory


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2007, 01:29:58 PM »
I disagree, for to add a manufacturer to their forums list they need to establish themselves as a stable company on the market. 900 Global has been alive for what? 6 months? I would hardly call that stable. For to give 900 Global a piece of the pie at this point in their infancy, would not only be hasty but irresponsible.

Edited on 12/11/2007 7:42 AM

How is it irresponsible to give them their own forum on a website that was created for, when you come down to it, ball reviews???

They are a legitimate company in the bowling industry, regardless of how long they have been in operation.  They deserve their own forum, if for no other reason than to allow discussion of their products to go on somewhere else other than the Miscellaneous section or Other Section in the Equipment boards.
University at Albany 2007
    -Let's Go Danes-

Edited on 12/11/2007 2:30 PM


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2007, 01:33:00 PM »
maybe I should dumb this down a little. this site is owned by someone, and they have the right to do whatever they want.
I feel a timeout coming.

Now we are talking about someone that is looking at this in black and white.
Bo Littlefield
AMF300 and 900 Global Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio
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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2007, 01:44:53 PM »
i agree they have a right to do whatever they want, it would just be peachy if mommy/daddy would tell us bad kids why we cant play too??? if you want to throw clout around how many balls do you think insight sells a year?  I have seen more global balls the last month in regionals than insight, to be honest i have yet to see someone throw their ball.  the funny thing now is why have an "other" catagory by giving banger and insight theirs whos really left?  just add the global forum already. i would tend to think there is more knowledge, experience, and sales coming out of that plant then the two combined.


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2007, 01:53:07 PM »
Leave us alone we are happy where we are.
 We have to answer less questions about products, drillings, performance and the industry. Our followers know how to find us and they get the answers they need. We realy do not have to be or want to be like everyone else.
We offer information to those that ask.

Edited on 12/11/2007 3:42 PM


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2007, 03:15:07 PM »
Good night, Missy, Good Night John Boy!!!!

It can be a Walton Family Christmas, if no one comes to the forum will it echo?


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #29 on: December 11, 2007, 03:16:29 PM »
Oh it just dawned on me to simply change the name of the company to "OTHER" than we will be just like the rest.


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Re: Banger, Insite forums now up; no 900G?
« Reply #30 on: December 11, 2007, 03:22:30 PM »
Oh it just dawned on me to simply change the name of the company to "OTHER" than we will be just like the rest.

Now that is funny, I don't care who you are.