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Author Topic: Bank Pearl vs Anarchy  (Read 7182 times)


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Bank Pearl vs Anarchy
« on: February 07, 2011, 06:27:41 AM »
I am interested in a strong pearl to open up the lane and I have gotten stuck between the Bank Pearl and the Anarchy. From what I have read, the Anarchy looks stronger overall, but that is just what I have read and I don't know how much truth there is to this. I have never thrown Storm and only have a long pin Bounty from 900. So I ask those on here that have thrown both or either to maybe tell me what you think of the two. Due to a touch too much speed I have a tendency to sit in between stroker and tweener for what it's worth. Anyway let me know what you all think. Thanks.

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-Gene Wilder
Justin Kluska
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Lane Masters/Lord Field



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Re: Bank Pearl vs Anarchy
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2011, 01:46:52 PM »
I really like my Bank Pearl. I have a review posted on here if you want to check it out. I am actually a little bit speed dominant so the Bank Pearl for me at the stock surface doesn't put me in my comfort zone on fresh oil. It tends to force me right to around 10 at the arrows out to 5ish which isn't where I am at my best. But when the lanes open up the Bank Pearl is probably the most consistent and easy to read ball I have ever thrown. It allows me to start with a stronger  ball earlier on the fresh and I can usually just stay put in the same spot with the BP when the stronger ball starts to labor downlane. For me it definitely needs some friction but when it is there the ball is my go to ball. It reads the pattern so well but is still clean through the front part of the lane.
I have thrown an Anarchy but don't own one. It is definitely a little stronger overall but I have better success with the carry  and consistency of the BP. I don't think it was a coincidence that Haugen was tripping 2,8's on TV with it. The ball just seems to carry the hits that other balls won't. I'm not saying you won't leave flat 10's or ringing 10's I am just saying it seems to like those high and light hits more than other equipment I have