Yeah I am getting track flare. Not sure exact numbers but by looking at it, it seems I am getting at least like 5" of flare. I started without a weight hole and then after watching it roll me and the other guy in the shop kind of had a disagreement about where to put the weight hole I was thinking p1 to try and kill flare and he suggested p4...He has been doing it longer so I listened to him while compromising and doing a p3. Don't think it really made a difference. As for surfaces I have tried 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 500 light coat of polish by hand, 500 polish, 2000 polish, and 4000 polish....Like I said the 500 rolls good for about 6 frames. The 500 polished is the next best but it forces me further right than most balls do at that surface and either way every once and a while it just ends up being a bucket. I am able to get lined up at all the surfaces and would deal with it not being much hook if it was consistent, its just not. I have pretty much just cut my loses on it....Just so you know my Bank is drilled 65* x 3.75" x 25* and it rolls great. The Bank Pearl is drilled 60* x 4.25" x 30 p4 and rolls awesome as well. They both are worlds stronger and more consistent than my Bank Roll. I was thinking if the mb was miss-marked somehow and the real layout ended up being 10* x 3.75 x 30* or something that would explain why it rolls so bad for me....