I used the ball Tuesday on Paris (47') with OK success. Didn't move deep enough fast enough. A guy with a lot more hand than me and a stronger ball/faster ball speed started inside of me. My first moves were into the spot he already dried out. But, after moving pretty deep (for me) I had a pretty good look. Shot 579 and chopped the 3-6-10 three times.
Subbed on a house shot tonight. Threw it pretty bad the whole first game (kept missing right at the arrows). But once I got dialed in I had a lot of fun. A really good ball for standing left and throwing right. When I threw it good, I could bring the ball back from just about anywhere, and I have pretty average revs. Not exactly skid/flip (pin down and not polished), but the ball read the mid lane pretty good and made a nice decisive move at the break point.
If you have above average revs and like to swing the ball on a THS, you need a ball like this. It's done pretty decent on sport shots, but should do really good when you can let it loose.
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