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Author Topic: black eagle incentive at USBC tourney..  (Read 2107 times)


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black eagle incentive at USBC tourney..
« on: January 21, 2012, 04:11:05 PM »
seen the post about the black eagle so I checked it out and 900 global is giving away some $cha ching$ for the top 5 scores.. so, is that for a game, for a series, or for the all events score using the black eagle..?? sorta a cool idea to get some people to purchase the balls that go to the USBC tourney..



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Re: black eagle incentive at USBC tourney..
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2012, 08:47:14 AM »
For 1 game. You have to use the Black Eagle on the 1st ball in every frame of the game. The only time you don't have to use it that game is if you are shooting a spare.