I have had balls from about every company crack. Seems like 3 900's, but also 3 or 4 Columbia and 2 after they moved, 2 Ebonite and one each for Brunswick and Storm. In some cases they were several years old and a couple were only a few months old. I keep my equipment in my house and try to never leave anything in a vehicle overnight so normally temperature variations aren't an issue. One common denominator seems to be its always balls that are extra aggressive for that particular ball. So always wondered if the resin mix might have been on the high side for that particular run.
If a weaker reaction is what you need you might consider the Cobra SE. I just received mine and will drill it up next week. I am setting this one up for late travel league where we roll 6 games with 5 man teams. Does get a bit dry towards the end. I'll post the results after next months league. I know the reaction was weaker than my Hook and Missing Link pearls at the demo days event here in Dallas.