I stopped throwing their equipment last season due to the cracking issues I have had. TJ was nice enough to replace a ball with one of the newest ones. Even though the ball was made out of Utah, I never drilled it up and won't drill anything that has a 900 Global name on it (my choice, my right, don't judge unless you've spent over $1k in equipment and replacements and replacements cracking and losing money and you were ok with it). My equipment was in a controlled environment. Used, maintained, and also drilled by the same person who's been in the pro shop business over 25 years. When I started throwing their equipment when they came out, I had cracking starting from day 1. My ball driller has had cracking issues with only my stuff (I'm the only one who he drills for that used 900 Global) no other manufacturer's equipment has ever cracked on him. Good luck if you decide to drill another 900 Global ball. They could be better now, but I won't take that chance, even though it drives me crazy because I really do want to support them but when you lose a lot of money, I can't justify it.