The latest 900 Global equipment -- with more Bounty footage than Maniac footage simply because I was far too enamored with the Bounty's reaction. The Bounty is drilled with a modified Rico layout (similar to my Break Solid) and the Maniac is drilled 4x3, with a large x-hole 1 inch down from my PAP. The Bounty has high gloss, "Beans Secret Sauce" polish, while the Bounty was left OOB (1000 Abralon). Bounty is simply too much ball OOB for most conditions I encounter. Can you say, "strong"?
Lanes were older synthetics with a fresh, heavier volume house shot. Sorry, no sport shot -- most people, anyways, just bowl on house conditions. ON EDIT: Also note that by the time I got to filming the Maniac, I had done a number on the pattern with the Bounty, bowling 5-6 games with one strong ball. That's part of the reason I'm so deep with the Maniac, too.
Compared to my Break S75, the OOB Bounty is slightly less angular but more hook overall. A very nice, versatile piece, which takes cover changes well (as evidenced by my high gloss polishing). The Maniac fits easily between the AMF Code and the 900 Global Creature Solid. It features a nice midlane roll and a similar backend reaction to the original Code, IMHO. Not a lazy backend move, by any means, but nothing too strong.
I only had limited testing and video shooting time today, but I will keep everyone informed as to these two balls and probably shoot some more footage around Thanksgiving.
www.900global.comwww.bowlersjournal.comEdited on 11/3/2008 12:08 PM