, Got to throw this a little last night, in my mid week mens league.
Layout is 4x5 with a 2in deep P4 weighth hole. Went with a more controlled layout on this one to try and get it through the mids a little cleaner than my sideways so I could use it longer at this particular house. Generally im standing 35, playing fourth arrow with the sideways, break point anywhere from 12 to 5 depending on the hold inside.
The Bounty Hunter Pearl was a lot smoother and less grabby in the mids and off the break point. I tightened up to about 28 or 25 in the first game, tried to keep it around 12 to 10 and came back nice and smooth. It did get tempermental on some shots when it went 8 to 5 where there seemed to be a lot oil last night which was very odd for this house.
3rd game i moved out to 35, played a much sharper angle, like i play with my sideways and got it outside of 5 quicker and let it bump back. It really liked to swing, and wasnt jerky at all. Great carry in the pocket, low pins and plenty of action.
My guess is that there is no particle in this but its the lower rg that is smoothing it out making it like the ricochet or the 2nd dimension in reaction shape. I'd label it as a strong control pearl that will heed a lot of success! look at TONX, already shooting 300 out the box and JIM going 740! Props to you fellas! Great ball that bridges the gap when the Bounty Hunter/Clutch read too early and the Sideways/Break Point Pearl become too angular! Bounty Hunter Pearl
Thanks Eric & everyone at 900 Global!