Upcoming Friday the 9th thru Sunday the 11th we are hosting a $2,000 1st Place (regardless of entries) tournament.
Entry Fee for tourn. - $55 per squad
Handicap - 80% of 215
The tournament will be held at AMF Country Lanes @ HWY 281 & Bitters in San Antonio, TX. We have (4) autoseed squads and (2) BUY 1, GET 1 (1/2) OFF SQUADS!Also, we be giving away any ball of your choice on (3) seperate squads - 1 on each day.
Thanks everybody! We''ll see you there!!
Friday 9th
6:30pm - High Series this shift wins ball of choice
8:00pm - Buy this shift and get the Sat. 4pm shift 1/2 OFF
Sat. 10th
10:30am - High Handicap Series Autoseeded to Finals
12:00pm - High Senior Series Autoseeded to Finals
1:30pm - High Ladies Series Autoseeded to Finals
4:00pm - (Fresh Oil) High Series this shift wins ball of choice!!!
5:30pm - Buy this shift and get the Sun. 11:30 shift 1/2 OFF
Sun. 11th
10:00am - High Series Scratch will be Autoseeded to Finals
1:00pm - High Series this shift wins ball of choice!!!
2:30pm - RE-ENTRY ONLY(bowl bowl 1 or more squads to enter this squad)
Attendees will only get exclusive pricing on all equipment. Any questions on either the tournament or the showcase, call Bo Littlefield (strikezone_sanantonio) @ (210)545-0303, Joe Brock @ (210) 650-5560, or Sam Eleanor (txnohandsam) @ (210)382-7146
Bo Littlefield
AMF300 / 900 Global Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio
-only pro shop in Texas with the largest selection and inventory
www.qualitybowlingproducts.comEdited on 10/2/2009 2:40 PM
Edited on 10/2/2009 3:21 PM