Bab, I could have written your note word for word. I live the exact same life as you do every week. Same tests, same results, and a lot of wasted money ignoring what my own eyes told me. It's our rev rate and style, bottom line. There may be a company match up factor, but it's more based on exactly what you're seeing. In my case, I also have to add that I can't throw asymmetric that well. It has to be 2.50 and > .48, preferably symmetric. I've proven it night after night, year after stubborn year. Finally, just this year, I've decided to stop ignoring the signs and understand what dynamics work for me. Last week I threw six balls. The week before that, 5. Side by side, night after night, my Special Agent and Absolute inferno will outshine anything else, new or old, no matter what brand, or "monster hook" factor.
You're not alone, brother. Don't believe anyone else's hype, believe your eyes and what your gut tells you. Go with your A game.
Signature? I don't need no stinking signature...