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Author Topic: Break Down Video - BowlersDeals / Wesley Low  (Read 10835 times)


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Re: Break Down Video - BowlersDeals / Wesley Low
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2015, 11:07:30 PM »
I was comparing to the likes of traditional 2 handers who were not using thumbs. With the new rules, they have to use a thumb to allow for more drilling options via a weight hole. At his age and size, he is impressive to say the least.


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Re: Break Down Video - BowlersDeals / Wesley Low
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2015, 09:00:06 AM »
I go to many junior tournaments and as you might imagine, I see more than a few two handed bowlers. What separates Wes from most other kids is his consistency and more importantly, his versatility. He is not a one trick pony.  He can play effectively on any part of the lane. Long, short, medium. This is why he is someone to watch. And again, I can not overemphasize how good of a kid he is.  Very level headed.
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Re: Break Down Video - BowlersDeals / Wesley Low
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2015, 02:28:12 PM »

I have no idea after this somewhat vague discussion whether this fine two hander uses his thumb or not.

It sounds TKKSHop like you can clarify.
1.  He uses his thumb all the time.
2.  He sometimes uses his thumb
3.  He never uses his thumb.
4.  He sometimes uses his thumb if he wants an additional weighthole.

Any chance you could give us a 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Now I'll ask a question.  Why would a two hander give up the extra revs he gets from no thumbing?


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Break Down Video - BowlersDeals / Wesley Low
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2015, 11:17:07 PM »
I know I'm late, but I can verify that he does use his thumb. Btw, I also happen to use my thumb (two hander) and it doesn't necessarily  mean I have less revs on the ball. Perhaps I'm an exception because I still rev the crap out of the ball one handed :)
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Interests: Black Widow, Proof Solid, Idol Pearl