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Author Topic: break pearl  (Read 2807 times)


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break pearl
« on: February 02, 2009, 05:54:53 AM »
got a break pearl and had it drilled fri, drilled pin below ring finger, with weight hole, oob finish. threw it sat, and sun in all city tourney, ths, 1st squad, shot 592, sun 1st squad, 659, i'm not a big cranker, or have alot of revs, or speed, but i was satisfied with the way it reacted on fresh oil, i threw from 20 to 10, and it came in with a nice arc, sat left some corner pins, but sunday moved up on the approach and that cured most of the corner pins. my normal set this year is low 600's.
Steven Root
Woodhull, Illinois



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Re: break pearl
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2009, 01:57:58 PM »
ball is sick on the backend

Scraps Z

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Re: break pearl
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2009, 08:33:17 AM »
Nice tip DrRev2k...I will give that a try.  I took mine to 2k then 4k, it moved a bit earlier than I'd hoped for.  Definitely going from 500 to 4k in stages to see if that helps.
Scott Siegel


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Re: break pearl
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2009, 12:08:53 PM »
  just so you know my link is really really wet/dry sensitive.. I havn't been able to find a good happy/med for this ball at all.. I have mine laid out with the pin above and a little right of my ring finger.. the cg is under and in the center of my palm and the mb is kicked out to the right about an 1".. drilled it for what it said it was going tom be used for drier/burnt lanes.. left the cover oob and when it hit "ANY" oil it went 60'.. it has been changed from(I took it down to) 500 W/polish to 1k w/polish, 2k w/polish, 4k w/polish.. even tried different polishes too, track stuff, storm stuff w/different grit, 3m red and brown, 3m finesse.. then I tried 1k dull, 2k dull, 4k dull and finally brought it back to 2k dull and left it like that.. for me it is a very conditional ball, not a true dry lane ball.. I also think that maybe if I would have put the pin under it might have worked better.. hope this insite help you with your layout.. keep me informed opn what you do with it.. I am curious to see how your blue one reacts, mine is the red one.. slashrr69