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Author Topic: Break Pearl Online-Removed  (Read 19999 times)


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Break Pearl Online-Removed
« on: February 11, 2008, 05:11:21 AM »
Just wanted to update all those tuning in.  The Break Pearls were purchased by a customer from a brick and mortar shop.  Customer wanted to drill them at a later date, and is in the armed forces.  He was given notice that he would be deployed in the near future and decided to sell online.  I contacted the shop, shop contacted customer and it was removed. All is well in the wonderland that is Global.
900 Global/AMF  Sales Manager



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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 02:28:42 PM »
If this is wonderland, then i guess that makes Phil the Hookah smoking caterpillar...


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Edited on 2/11/2008 3:30 PM


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 02:47:28 PM »
Who's the Cheshire Cat?
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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 06:00:07 AM »
Why was the ball removed since the guy was doing nothing wrong? You said before that once it was in a private party's hand it could be sold online.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.

Edited on 2/12/2008 7:01 AM


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2008, 07:02:21 AM »
I think it's because it's their policy of "no new balls sold on line" if people cant respect that decision and they want to sell balls on line they should pick another  company.  It seems pretty black and white to me? I believe that what they are doing is great and other company's should stop whoring the market for small profits.

Once again I commend Global for there choice and the balls to stand by it. With them being a newer company they could easily churn there cheek to a large online supplier just to sell some units?  But they don't and to me that is what counts most. I'm sure some people will have other opinions but that's my two cents for now.

Keep up the good work Global!


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2008, 09:44:48 AM »
This is America. After the ball is sold the first time, it can be listed and sold in any medium the purchaser desires. It's referred to as the first sale doctrine. The seller can not hold himself out as a distributor or agent, but he can certainly sell the ball on line.

Sure, they have a policy, but the policy is not binding on people that buy  the ball and decide they want to sell it.

My question is, why does Global not allow supply and demand to dictate the sale of their product. If the ball is truly that great, it will bring a fair price on ebay or anywhere it is sold. Additionally, Global controls the initial price point. There want be many people selling the ball for less than they bought it from global or its distributors from. The market want allow this.

If a proshop sales a global ball undrilled to a customer, the proshop will have made money on the ball sale. There really is no justification for global's policy other than trying to inflate the price of the ball.

I think it's because it's their policy of "no new balls sold on line" if people cant respect that decision and they want to sell balls on line they should pick another  company.  It seems pretty black and white to me? I believe that what they are doing is great and other company's should stop whoring the market for small profits.

Once again I commend Global for there choice and the balls to stand by it. With them being a newer company they could easily churn there cheek to a large online supplier just to sell some units?  But they don't and to me that is what counts most. I'm sure some people will have other opinions but that's my two cents for now.

Keep up the good work Global!

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2008, 10:45:03 AM »
CCrider,  I agree with you.  If this person did actually buy these balls at retail from a pro shop,  then he probably does have the right to sell them on ebay.  However,  is the pro shop just saying that this person bought the balls, so then they can be listed on ebay?  

I find it rather odd that anyone today, would buy not one, but two highend balls,  and not have them drilled.  I think the fact that these balls were removed, to me,  means that the pro shop may have been using a third party to list the balls on ebay.  To make a fast buck.  

And when faced with possibly having future shipments withheld,  removed them from ebay.

nice work 300Global.

BTW,  we have been noticed,  that more customer's are calling and asking if we have their balls in stock.
jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2008, 10:45:20 AM »
Least we forget the issue was brought to the lime light by the intenet police on this site.I believe the topic was hinting that we changed our policy regarding internet sales. We do not spend much if any time on ebay looking to catch the culprits.

T Brockette

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2008, 10:50:16 AM »
Who cares if his kids go hungry. Im just gald the balls are not being sold online anymore. Im sure when his family can't make the mortgage payment he can be happy knowing that he still has two balls that he can't afford to drill.

If this is how things are handled, I want them back to the old way.
The Elitest: "The other monkey sister is still in."    Isn't racism funny?

If buying these balls is gonna keep his kids from eating and have him not make his mortgage payment, then he shouldn't have bought them in the first place.

Phil and Eric...keep up the good work!

Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2008, 10:51:11 AM »
Least we forget the issue was brought to the lime light by the intenet police on this site.I believe the topic was hinting that we changed our policy regarding internet sales. We do not spend much if any time on ebay looking to catch the culprits.

Newguy,  And why should you have too.  Just about every major brand of bowling balls and golf clubs can be found on Ebay. The mere fact that one of your balls
was listed, does not mean your company had anything to do with it.

And correct me if i am wrong,  but wasn't your policy, pertaining to online dealers not selling your product?   Not the general public listing things on ebay.

Keep up the good work.
jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 2/12/2008 11:51 AM


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2008, 10:51:58 AM »
unfortunately I think Global is in a no win situation. If you let the sales go then he caved and let them be sold on the internet. If you stop the sale of the NIB balls then you are the bad guy not letting the guy feed his kids

Good Luck with the balls. BTW it is great looking.
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Kid Jete

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2008, 10:56:22 AM »
I actually wanted to try a break pearl but after this screw it.  If I don't like the ball I'm not going to be policed by a bunch of internet nazis when I tried to sell it.  I think the decision to only sell to proshops is stupid to begin with, that is if they are worried more about being a successful business.  It's 2008 and the internet has damn near taken over shopping of every kind if they don't want to hop on board to make a few brick and mortar guys happy that's their problem.  I would rather buy a lane #1 ball online for 180 bucks than go to a shop and pay 200+ for something that I might not even like.  Keep in mind these are my opinions so trying to crucify me over won't do you much good as my opinions aren't up for debate.


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2008, 10:56:44 AM »
Global has the right to impose this no internet sales on its distributors. I do not think that it is a sound approach to marketing, but that's just my opinion.

I do know that I spend more on balls than most, and because of this policy, I will not be purchasing a Global ball.

I also find interesting that, unless I am mistaken, one of the proshops and "internet police" that sales Global, makes and sells Beans Sauce on the internet.
Least we forget the issue was brought to the lime light by the internet police on this site. Seems somewhat hypocritical to me. IF proshop sales is the way to go, why not sell the sauce through proshops only????

I believe the topic was hinting that we changed our policy regarding internet sales. We do not spend much if any time on ebay looking to catch the culprits.

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2008, 10:57:41 AM »
unfortunately I think Global is in a no win situation. If you let the sales go then he caved and let them be sold on the internet. If you stop the sale of the NIB balls then you are the bad guy not letting the guy feed his kids

Good Luck with the balls. BTW it is great looking.
"Don't Give Up...  Don't Ever Give Up."
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Mc,  I really think that we are confusing what I believe is 900Global's policy.

I believe it is no Online dealers selling their product.  Most items listed on Ebay,  may be from just everyday people,  not online dealers. Now of course, as in the case a few weeks ago,  a real pro shop listed some balls on ebay.  And they contacted him, and he did remove them.  

But if we all went on to ebay right now,  I am sure we could find just about every major brand listed.
jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2008, 11:05:04 AM »

I do know that I spend more on balls than most, and because of this policy, I will not be purchasing a Global ball.

Ccrider,  I think you are making a mistake by not trying one of their balls.
I am starting to see a lot of quality bowlers using and making "money"  with them.  When you factor in the drilling charge, on most highend balls bought online, 900Global's balls are actually lower in overall cost to the consumer.

A customer on Sat. said,  "I don't care what the ball cost,  as long as i win money with it"

Now as for their no online policy,  well it would not bother me if they did sell to online dealers.  Everybody else does.  And we sell their balls.

I think consumer's feel, that if 900global's balls are not offered online,  that pro shops may overprice them.  That is not the case.  We sell their Break for less then the Fury's, Momentum's, Complete NV, Rising, etc.  In fact I would say that the Break is less then just about every highend model we stock.
And keep in mind,  with all of the other highend balls,  we have to compete with online dealers.  And yet,  the Break is actually lower in cost.

I feel that 900Global gives pro shops a fair price,  and there is no reason for any pro shop to jack up the retail price on their balls.
jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 2/12/2008 12:15 PM