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Author Topic: Break Pearl Online-Removed  (Read 20013 times)


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Break Pearl Online-Removed
« on: February 11, 2008, 05:11:21 AM »
Just wanted to update all those tuning in.  The Break Pearls were purchased by a customer from a brick and mortar shop.  Customer wanted to drill them at a later date, and is in the armed forces.  He was given notice that he would be deployed in the near future and decided to sell online.  I contacted the shop, shop contacted customer and it was removed. All is well in the wonderland that is Global.
900 Global/AMF  Sales Manager



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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #31 on: February 13, 2008, 02:46:26 PM »
Alright I feel somewhat responsible for this post being here, considering I was the one that saw the 2 breaks pearls on ebay.  If I would of known the guy had bought them from a shop then listed them I most likely wouldn't of made the original post. But whatever the story is I don't think you guys should be bashing 900 for this.  Phil and Eric are good people and are trying to do what good for the industry.  They are not trying to control anything just make it better for the shops.

So you shouldn't feel betrayed by these guys at all because the main goal is to build good quality products for all of us can have fun.  I do and will stand behind both of these guys. Keep up the good work and Thanks.

P.S. Most of you don't realize what a big deal this is because most of the people on here never owned or operated a pro shop before.  I had to close my doors because the time wasn't worth the small profits from losing business from online sales.  I could of changed but it wasn't my main source of income but I would of like to keep helping my customers.  I'm out.


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #32 on: February 13, 2008, 04:44:30 PM »
Glad to see some other chime in. I thought I might be being oversensitive.

By the way, this is not about a personal attack on anyone. It is about what many think is a funky marketing strategy for what might be a good or worthwhile product.


This is ridiculous.  I respect Phil, he is a bowling genius, but if he thinks he can protect the individual shops that sell his stuff by doing this, he is also a bit off.

  All you shops who complain about not making a living and whining about how you are losing money because of online sales just NEED to go OUT OF BUSINESS!
  The more you whine and try to control the market, the more I like Keith Spears and

  Why should I, as the consumer, have to finance your way of life by paying highly inflated prices, just so that you can go through 3 middlemen to get your equipment and have EVERYONE make a profit larger than I do for working an honest day at my physical labor job?

  I know it won't happen, but I wish every crybaby one of you in the bunch would go broke and go away, including ANY manufacturer that tries to price fix by limiting the availability of their products. Do you REALLY think someone smarter than you won't come along, find a way to survive and drill my stuff for me?  If so, you are bigger fools than I already thought.

  I wish 900Global no ill will, nor do I have anything personal against anyone here, I just STRONGLY disagree with this business practice and have the opinion that, if you can't find a way to adapt to the business environment and survive, that you are SUPPOSED to die out and disappear.  I think it should be set by the consumers demand and the marketplace supply, NOT some IDEALISTIC, FALSE, UN-TENABLE business model designed to protect the useless few who can't survive on their own.
I'm really tired of the whining, so, JUST SHUT UP AND BOWL!  

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Edited on 2/13/2008 5:50 PM


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #33 on: February 13, 2008, 04:57:12 PM »
Jug you are hilarious.  While your protesting send your same reasoning to BMW perhaps they will sell me a car over the net and forego the ridiculous profit they make at the dealership.

  BMW huh?  Well, IMHO, BMW is nothing but an overpriced automobile, built buy a bunch of perople who see themselves as "purists" or "elitists".  They are making, and sadly selling, products that are produced just as effectively with just as much quality here in the U.S.A., and they are doing so because a bunch of blind "yuppies" think that a BMW is some kind of a status symbol. I, myself, have a 2003 pontiac sunfire with 175,000 on it and it is still in great shape, runs fine, uses no oil.  Tell me just how a BMW is any better than that?

  If BMW can afford to do the things they do, more power to them, but, if someone else wants to buy up a lot of them from the manufacturer direct and sell me one at a greatly discounted price, WHO THE HECK IS BMW TO TELL HIM WHAT HE CAN CHARGE ME FOR IT, OR WHAT HE CAN SELL IT FOR PERIOD?  I mean, if he paid them what they asked him, what makes it any of their business what he does with it?

  I never said I didn't understand the theory and principle behind this method, I said that, to me, it is ridiculous and that I disagree with it STRONGLY.  And, as long as it is in place, I WILL NOT BE BUYING ANYTHING NEW FROM ANYONE PRACTICING THIS BUSINESS METHOD that I am aware of.
What did you expect, something PROFOUND?

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #34 on: February 13, 2008, 06:40:57 PM »
But, but now don't wait till pro shops have placed there orders for Christmas and then dump a ton of discontinued balls on the market leaving them in the lurch, that kinda stuff really hammers the pro shop.

Oh you mean like Brunswick did, when their big dist. WERE CRYING that they had too many Fury's in stock and they were not selling ONLINE fast enough?  So right at Christmas time,  the big Brunswick dumbed Fury's,  just to stop the CRYING, from their big dist.   Ya that kinda sucked.  But then again,  thats Brunswick>>>  you know, proudly made in Mexico.


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2008, 11:10:24 AM »
i think i have this figured out. global gets to sell their balls for a premium by eliminating the middle man. this benefits them. then they try to keep the value up for pro shops by stopping internet sales. i embrace the internet, its free money when a guy brings a ball in from the net, pure profit, and i dont have to worry about any warranty or anything. there are a few other companies doing the same thing, only time will tell if any of them succeed longterm. i also have to question why a guy would pull the ball off of ebay, i mean really, what is global going to do, not sell to him anymore, call him a bad name. there are plenty of other places to get balls.

If you were a new company, would you do it differently?

I saw a thing on Nike. They basically broke down a $80 pair of shoes like this:

Nike pays factory $20 for the shoes.
Nikes sells the shoes for $40 to the retailers.
Retailers sell the shoes for $80.

Nike only makes $20 on those pair of shoes.....the distributors/resellers make $40!

Now, if a bowling ball costs them $40 to produce, they sell them to the distributor for $80 (in pallets of say 400), and the distributor sells them (onesy, twosey) to the pro shops for $120, or in larger quantities to the on-line resellers for $100.  They are only going to make $40 per ball.  Turn around and cut out the distributor and sell directly to the pro shop for $100-120 per ball and they are making $60-80 profit per ball.  At the same time, the pro shop operators can rest assured that they won't be undercut by an on-line reseller (ala The Fury).

If you had just shelled out a ton of your own money to start a company, wouldn't you want to maximize your profits?  Besides, they are supposedly selling very well overseas.  I may not agree with the way they are doing it, but at least I can understand why they are doing it.  Personally I think they are losing potential customers by having a limited distribution model.


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2008, 12:14:32 PM »
i think i have this figured out. global gets to sell their balls for a premium by eliminating the middle man. this benefits them. then they try to keep the value up for pro shops by stopping internet sales. i embrace the internet, its free money when a guy brings a ball in from the net, pure profit, and i dont have to worry about any warranty or anything. there are a few other companies doing the same thing, only time will tell if any of them succeed longterm. i also have to question why a guy would pull the ball off of ebay, i mean really, what is global going to do, not sell to him anymore, call him a bad name. there are plenty of other places to get balls.

If you were a new company, would you do it differently?

I saw a thing on Nike. They basically broke down a $80 pair of shoes like this:

Nike pays factory $20 for the shoes.
Nikes sells the shoes for $40 to the retailers.
Retailers sell the shoes for $80.

Nike only makes $20 on those pair of shoes.....the distributors/resellers make $40!

Now, if a bowling ball costs them $40 to produce, they sell them to the distributor for $80 (in pallets of say 400), and the distributor sells them (onesy, twosey) to the pro shops for $120, or in larger quantities to the on-line resellers for $100.  They are only going to make $40 per ball.  Turn around and cut out the distributor and sell directly to the pro shop for $100-120 per ball and they are making $60-80 profit per ball.  At the same time, the pro shop operators can rest assured that they won't be undercut by an on-line reseller (ala The Fury).

If you had just shelled out a ton of your own money to start a company, wouldn't you want to maximize your profits?  Besides, they are supposedly selling very well overseas.  I may not agree with the way they are doing it, but at least I can understand why they are doing it.  Personally I think they are losing potential customers by having a limited distribution model.


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Thats the way it used to be,  before dist.  Problem with that.
Instead of lets say a Ebonite dealing with 20 dist., they must now deal
with 5000 pro shops.  It is easier and smarter to deal with 20 major dist, then 5000 small pro shops.  It is easier for them to ship the merchandise,  since most would be truck loads, as compared to ups.  And most important,  it is safer to get paid.   Much harder trying to collect from 5000 small pro shops, as compared to 20 major dist.

Also,  the big boy companies basically use their dist.  as warehouses.  Many times a new model is shipped early to a dist.  with a later release date.
Not to mention all the inventory the dist.  stock.  If there were no dist.  The big boys would have to stock all that merchandise.  and that would be expensive, and require more warehouse space.

jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2008, 09:06:06 AM »

Thats the way it used to be,  before dist.  Problem with that.
Instead of lets say a Ebonite dealing with 20 dist., they must now deal
with 5000 pro shops.  It is easier and smarter to deal with 20 major dist, then 5000 small pro shops.  It is easier for them to ship the merchandise,  since most would be truck loads, as compared to ups.  And most important,  it is safer to get paid.   Much harder trying to collect from 5000 small pro shops, as compared to 20 major dist.

Also,  the big boy companies basically use their dist.  as warehouses.  Many times a new model is shipped early to a dist.  with a later release date.
Not to mention all the inventory the dist.  stock.  If there were no dist.  The big boys would have to stock all that merchandise.  and that would be expensive, and require more warehouse space.

jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Still trying to see how their business model makes sense, other than the higher profits per ball sale.  Everything you have just described equates to more work on their side.

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2008, 09:39:07 PM »
It's pretty simple.  900 Global will either stop this no internet nonsense, or remain a shoe company that also makes balls no one uses.


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2008, 10:06:24 PM »
Juggernaut, I agree in principle with what your saying but the thought
driving around in your cheeky little Pontiac compared over any BMW.

hmm. NO WAY

  What makes a BMW so desirable?  A little leather and chrome?

  The whole purpose of an automobile is to reliably get you from point A to point B as long and smoothly as possible.  Leather, chrome, and all that other crap ain't worth the extra $20,000-$30,000 to me.  By the time I spend $30,000 on cars, I will have driven close to 500,000 miles or more.  Cheeky?  Yea, all the way to the BANK!

It's pretty simple. 900 Global will either stop this no internet nonsense, or remain a shoe company that also makes balls no one uses.

  While that might be satisfying, Phil is a smart guy and usually knows what he is doing.  While I might not agree with it, that doesn't mean the Phil can't find a way to make it work.  I mean, with all the internet nazi's running around here screaming FOUL, it's like they've all got his back on this one.

  If I were rich, I would buy as many of these things as I could and sell them online for cheap.

By Mr. Eric Thomas, 900global/AMFsales manager:
 Just wanted to update all those tuning in. The Break Pearls were purchased by a customer from a brick and mortar shop. Customer wanted to drill them at a later date, and is in the armed forces. He was given notice that he would be deployed in the near future and decided to sell online. I contacted the shop, shop contacted customer and it was removed. All is well in the wonderland that is Global.

  I also think it is SAD that Mr. Eric Thomas always seems so PROUD of himself when he goes out on patrol, saving the earth from another insidious online seller.  Thank God we have people like this out there to save us from ourselves, you know, like the politicians in this country do.
What did you expect, something PROFOUND?

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2008, 07:55:06 AM »
It's pretty simple.  900 Global will either stop this no internet nonsense, or remain a shoe company that also makes balls no one uses.

 I believe just the opposite will take place, once the pro shop owners realize that selling 900 Global equipment allows them to maximize their profits then more 900 Global equipment will be sold.
102101? Hmmmm


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2008, 07:59:48 AM »
It's pretty simple.  900 Global will either stop this no internet nonsense, or remain a shoe company that also makes balls no one uses.

 I believe just the opposite will take place, once the pro shop owners realize that selling 900 Global equipment allows them to maximize their profits then more 900 Global equipment will be sold.
102101? Hmmmm

Smart pro shops yes.

But I believe it will be the quality of their products that will sell them.
Good "money" bowlers are not worried about saving $10-$20 online.  They care about making money!!!!!  Average bowlers do care and should care about saving money.  Yet they are the ones that look at what the GOOD MONEY BOWLERS are using.   And then they go out and buy '"Said  those balls"

jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2008, 11:49:29 AM »
There stuff is getting better great bench mark ball in the Break and the Creatures are a very good secret. I will take some more time but Global will be around for a while.

Keep up the good work!


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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2008, 05:47:43 PM »
Maybe so, maybe not. That is not the point. The issue is their marketing plan, and ebay trolling policy

Yo can't convince me that they are maximizing sales this way.

There stuff is getting better great bench mark ball in the Break and the Creatures are a very good secret. I will take some more time but Global will be around for a while.

Keep up the good work!

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2008, 06:22:07 PM »
I think its horrible that this company gave a guy serving his country a hard time about trying to recoup a few dollars off his purchase.

I don't think a company can thrive in a market driven by online sales.

Well, when you have the internet police pointing out and complaining, what are they to do?  

Man, talk about a no win situation.  They leave it alone, people cry, they make the guy take it down, people cry.
It IS next year!

the prince

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Re: Break Pearl Online-Removed
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2008, 07:55:31 PM »
Some of you guys just don't get it. If you want to buy a ball, specify your own layout, and have it drilled by someone 1000 miles away who's never seen you bowl, it seems to me that 900 Global doesn't want your business. In the short run, that will cost them some sales. As many of you have posted, you will never buy a ball from them, and I'm sure that Eric and Phil will lose much sleep over that.

But does anyone think that this company can go toe-to-toe with the Ebonites and Brunswicks of the world and beat them in a volume game? Of course not, so it's only sensible that they try a new plan, and new plans usually get met with strong resistance. Only time will tell if this strategy is effective.