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Author Topic: Break Pearl Question  (Read 10793 times)


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Break Pearl Question
« on: January 12, 2009, 04:40:16 AM »

I got in a Break Pearl and was very excited to try it out, however I was extremely disappointed with the results..

Off the top of my head, I cannot remember the exact coordinates for the layout used, but the ball just NEVER flipped over or got into a roll..  We used a very weak layout..  Something around 50 x 5" x 45, pin over middle finger..  I changed the surface everywhich way and ball never flipped never rolled..

Changed the layout somewhere around 50 x 4" x 30 with a hole slightly below PAP..

Same thing, a touch stronger, but no flip..  Rolly and archy, but not strong and not what I was looking for..  Changed surfaces again, still terrible results..

I am starting to wonder if I got a bad batch of cover..  THe ball is still flaring and there is flare separation, but no reaction..  

My PAP is 4 > x 1/2 ^
330 RPM
16 MPH overall ball speed..

Anyone have any suggestions?



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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2009, 12:16:31 PM »
If you walked into my shop I just would of simply not recommended this ball for you given your PAP, ball speed, and RPM's. Look everybody there are a lot of good balls on the market. If something doesn't match your game it doesn't mean there is something wrong with the ball.

The reason it would seem to come to life after 20 games would probably be the polish wearing off. Since he tried it without the polish I don't see that being the problem.

I would talk to Eric for his advice. I would say either it has mismarked mass bias or something else is wrong. With the mass bias just a little to the right of the thumb it should have a lot of punch in the back with the layout you have. The only other thing is it could be the lane condition. Have you thrown it on fresh oil with clean backends?? Carrydown could give the look of a rolly ball reaction as could not enough head oil if it is rolling out.

My BP didnt really come to life until I had about 20 games on it. Make sure you give it 20 games or so before you judge this ball. If you dont like it after 20 games pm me and maybe we can make a deal. I love my BP. Got my second sanctioned 300 with it. Good luck and good bowling!


Bo Littlefield
AMF300 / 900 Global Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio
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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2009, 12:46:16 PM »
My stats are very similar to his and the Break Pearl is quite angular thats what I am was getting at. I didn't mean necessarily that it is the ball that is messed up maybe the layout. I just meant something to me seems wrong if it isn't strong for him when mine is and stats are near identical. Maybe not enough/too much tilt is a reason it isn't working for him too..Just out of curiousity why would you not recommend the Break Pearl off his stats??

If you walked into my shop I just would of simply not recommended this ball for you given your PAP, ball speed, and RPM's. Look everybody there are a lot of good balls on the market. If something doesn't match your game it doesn't mean there is something wrong with the ball.

The reason it would seem to come to life after 20 games would probably be the polish wearing off. Since he tried it without the polish I don't see that being the problem.

I would talk to Eric for his advice. I would say either it has mismarked mass bias or something else is wrong. With the mass bias just a little to the right of the thumb it should have a lot of punch in the back with the layout you have. The only other thing is it could be the lane condition. Have you thrown it on fresh oil with clean backends?? Carrydown could give the look of a rolly ball reaction as could not enough head oil if it is rolling out.

My BP didnt really come to life until I had about 20 games on it. Make sure you give it 20 games or so before you judge this ball. If you dont like it after 20 games pm me and maybe we can make a deal. I love my BP. Got my second sanctioned 300 with it. Good luck and good bowling!


Bo Littlefield
AMF300 / 900 Global Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio
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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2009, 06:42:51 PM »
On this topic, I've also had problems with my BP on the back end.  I don't have the drilling stats, but I bought it used and my pro shop moved the thumb slightly to make it work.  He said it was laid out to go long, but I cannot get this ball to hook for the life of me.  I've used it on all kinds of lane conditions in comparison to my Gravity Shift, T-Road Pearl, and Cherry Vibe--where all of those balls were getting reaction on the lanes.  Based on the reviews I've read, it makes me think the ball needs needs a visit to the Rejuvenator.
Complete ball arsenal:
Storm Gravity Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl
900 Global Break Pearl
Lane #1 Bullet
Hammer Cherry Vibe
Brunswick BVP Wizard
Columbia 300 White Dot - Blue Pearl


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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2009, 09:05:53 PM »
If you bought it used I would say definetly. If you bought it new and it used to hook then that is probably the problem.

On this topic, I've also had problems with my BP on the back end.  I don't have the drilling stats, but I bought it used and my pro shop moved the thumb slightly to make it work.  He said it was laid out to go long, but I cannot get this ball to hook for the life of me.  I've used it on all kinds of lane conditions in comparison to my Gravity Shift, T-Road Pearl, and Cherry Vibe--where all of those balls were getting reaction on the lanes.  Based on the reviews I've read, it makes me think the ball needs needs a visit to the Rejuvenator.
Complete ball arsenal:
Storm Gravity Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl
900 Global Break Pearl
Lane #1 Bullet
Hammer Cherry Vibe
Brunswick BVP Wizard
Columbia 300 White Dot - Blue Pearl


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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2009, 09:13:15 PM »
My stats are very similar to his and the Break Pearl is quite angular thats what I am was getting at.

Assuming your profile is correct, your stats aren't that similar at all.



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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2009, 10:30:52 PM »
rev, I find the Dual Angle technique the easiest to duplicate reaction and layout from ball to ball, if so desired..

But the Pin to PAP distance is listed on the dual angle layout (4 inches) as for MB to PAP I think it is around 4" as well..


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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2009, 11:39:24 AM »
No I changed my release and my PAP has changed I am 4 1/8 over 3/8 up now. Haven't updated my profile in a while. Also my speed at the pins is usually around 16, I was assuming thats where he was measuring his ball speed. Of course we still aren't taking tilt into the equation either so I guess that could be a big difference.

My stats are very similar to his and the Break Pearl is quite angular thats what I am was getting at.

Assuming your profile is correct, your stats aren't that similar at all.



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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2009, 12:56:38 PM »
My stats were measured off an average of 6 shots on Ebonites Bowlers Map.


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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2009, 12:58:29 PM »
No I changed my release and my PAP has changed I am 4 1/8 over 3/8 up now. Haven't updated my profile in a while. Also my speed at the pins is usually around 16, I was assuming thats where he was measuring his ball speed. Of course we still aren't taking tilt into the equation either so I guess that could be a big difference.

That's what I was getting at, with over a 1/2" difference in the horizontal measurement the tilt would probably be a lot different. Now that you're closer to him there probably still is a difference, just obviously not as much.


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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2009, 01:03:19 PM »
I do have some videos of me on PutFile..


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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2009, 12:47:44 AM »
Well, thanks to Eric Thomas, we got this situation worked out..  I now have a very desirable reaction from this ball..

I threw it tonight for the first time shot 258 279 (front 9) 209 (lots of wrap tens) for 746...

Will post layout later when I am at the bowl to measure everything out..


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Re: Break Pearl Question
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2009, 02:00:22 AM »
what were the adjustments you made? i am having the same problem!!