The thing with this is, I dont understand why it matters when I made this review. In first post of the topic I stated "I got enough games on it to give a review." I am not the kind of person who drills a ball, throws it 3-9 games and gives it a full review. Like I said I got this ball late last year, and didnt have time to drill it. Then when I did, I didnt have time to bowl with it because of us moving into another shop in our area. That is why my post came so long to happen. In about a week I will have another review of the creature pearl. I have only had it for about a week, and well I have been able to bowl with it. My reviews come after I have a good firm grip on what I see from the ball. This take a good amount of games, and isnt something you can get from one-three sets out with a ball.
Now yes I did review the Rising and temper quick, however if you look at my Kinetic and Kinetic Energy reviews, they took alot longer to do. I was able to do them over the summer when I was home and got the time to do so. I had both of them for months before I wrote my review. Also if my review time was so companys specific, you would think my KE review would have happen real quick because I had it drilled at the staff camp they had and then the set after they sent us them back, I shot 796. Yet I didnt do the review until some 5-7 months later.
Long post short, I review a ball after I get enough games on it. Not who makes it.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Official "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio
Tag Team Coaching Success Story.
Happily distributing the red pills of CGNOMADDA. "if you take this pill, YOUR MIND WILL BE OPEN TO A WORLD OF NEW IDEAS."