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Author Topic: Break s75  (Read 2876 times)


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Break s75
« on: December 24, 2008, 04:04:25 PM »
I am wondering where this ball will actually fit in my line up so I know how to drill it.

My current arsenal:

NVD- can use it on most conditions but toast. My heavier oil hooking ball.
Rapid Fire- pin in palm used mostly on medium-heavy or medium as long as      
      there isn't too much oil in the middle or too dry of outsides.
Break Pearl- strong flippy pearl
Complete NV- strong midlane pearl
Jazz- used when hooking the ball isn't working on medium heavy and when the  
      lanes first start to open up.
White Dot- dry lane ball



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Re: Break s75
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2008, 12:58:25 AM »
out of all the balls you have listed the s75 will be the strongest one of all of them.. when I say strongest it will roll earlier and should have more backend too..


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Re: Break s75
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2008, 10:18:40 AM »
You think it will cover more boards than the NVD? I was thinking it would be earlier but not as much backend about the same amount of hook just different shape?? If it is stronger than the NVD even in the back then that ball will be sick....


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Re: Break s75
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2008, 10:32:48 AM »
Put your favorite drill pattern on it, this is one of those balls that gets better the more you use it.
 I would not change the surface on the ball, untill you get at least 20 games on it, and the surface is getting used to oil.Then adjust up or down, to your mneeds.
 For me this ball reads the dry as quick and as hard as anything I have thrown in the last few years.


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Re: Break s75
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2008, 11:39:33 AM »
this ball is a special.. put your favoerite drilling on it, at first you are going to say what was that guy talking about it doesn't do any of the things they said.. this ball needs at least 20-25 games(if not more) put on it to wake it up.. the more you use it the stronger it will be become, not just because you are putting a track on it.. the s75 the way it was fomulated needs the oil in it.. it needs that wake call(slap).. I also would suggest not tweeking or changing the cover on it until you have that 20-25 games on it.. the one thing that I have heard is that after the people have tweeked the ball it never went back to what it was .. really don't change the cover you can bake it to get some of the oil out of it, but that will not be for a while(you will notice the change).. this ball will get stronger and stronger the more you use it.. I have one but have not drilled it yet along with my bounty.. good luck and happy holidays..slashrr69

  if the two of the balls were drilled the same(nvd,s75), the s75 "will be stronger" then your nvd earlier and more backend..