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Author Topic: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK  (Read 21186 times)


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"SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« on: June 17, 2010, 11:19:42 PM »
   For those who are interested and want to learn more about the new core design in The Bank we have posted an article detailing the design concept and research.  The new core shape is truly an innovative and unique design that gives The Bank optimum and efficient energy release for the bowler.  View our Tech section of the website or click the following link to learn more....any questions let us know!

Nick Siefers
900 Global
Senior Design Engineer
Nick Siefers
Director of Operations/Chemical Engineer
900 Global
San Antonio, Texas



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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #46 on: July 13, 2010, 03:59:54 PM »
We are shooting the video this week.  Sorry, but will all the excitement of the new projects being released and bowl expo a couple weeks ago we have been extremely busy.  It'll be up soon.
Nick Siefers
Director of Operations/Chemical Engineer
900 Global
San Antonio, Texas


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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #47 on: July 15, 2010, 07:58:56 AM »
Just another update...we shot the video clip yesterday and I believe it has already been edited.  Should be up soon.  Very simple clip that is about 2 minutes in length.
Nick Siefers
Director of Operations/Chemical Engineer
900 Global
San Antonio, Texas


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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2010, 03:09:12 PM »
It's an interesting concept at least. What is the tolerance of the core's single stable point attribute to changes in the core's shape caused by drilling holes into it?
J.J. "Better than Jello" Anderson - Kill the back row


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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #49 on: July 15, 2010, 05:35:36 PM »
you are the reason real bowlers have left this site, and for this you should be proud. you don't even own a ball, much less know what they can or can not do.
thanks for all your insight into the new core design by G900 ( CG )

Janderson, on his worst days, could out bowl you with his left hand ( he is a righty )

off to your hole troll ( wantstoevenknowwhatacgis )

It's an interesting concept at least. What is the tolerance of the core's single stable point attribute to changes in the core's shape caused by drilling holes into it?
J.J. "Better than Jello" Anderson - Kill the back row

the core's tolerance single stable point is about the same as if you put a butt-plug in and sat in the middle of a merry go round...if that clears things up...
John "Steven" Parry...The Lane 1 rocket surgeon officially sponsored by Kool-aid and M&Ms....



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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2010, 08:20:57 PM »
im just waiting for the vid of this monster.,.,.,thats all
John "Steven" Parry...The Lane 1 rocket surgeon officially sponsored by Kool-aid and M&Ms....

not true, you were being an aZZ to someone I happen to know, and it went over like a fart in church.

you were just being your usual troll self

but i been good, thanks bud
don't know how you missed me, I'm always around putting in my 2 cents


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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2010, 08:31:13 PM »
i was actually just joking around...its only lane1 donks i go after..... besides, global needs to re-release the original break...its one of the best balls ive ever owned...but i do want to see this new core in action, so BD dont let the door hit you in the azz on your way out....
John "Steven" Parry...The Lane 1 rocket surgeon officially sponsored by Kool-aid and M&Ms....

Edited on 7/15/2010 8:25 PM

ouch and I thought we were friends
will agree with you on the break, my gf is using one of my old ones
must suck to be you, so angry w/ a side of stalker


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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2010, 10:17:02 PM »
We discussed the video posting more today.  Our goal is to have it by the time the ball hits shops.  We have some minor tweaking to do in order for the video format to get into our website but should have it up next week.  The video starts out by displaying the core twisting and rotating to find its stable spot, then get's into some detail on the moment arm (as discussed in the article) and then brings it together to tell what the effect on ball motion is.  Not terribly long (few minutes) but just about the right length to keep you watching!!

Nick Siefers
Director of Operations/Chemical Engineer
900 Global
San Antonio, Texas


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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #53 on: July 16, 2010, 09:50:47 AM »
you are the reason real bowlers have left this site, and for this you should be proud. you don't even own a ball, much less know what they can or can not do.
thanks for all your insight into the new core design by G900 ( CG )

Janderson, on his worst days, could out bowl you with his left hand ( he is a righty )

off to your hole troll ( wantstoevenknowwhatacgis )

It's an interesting concept at least. What is the tolerance of the core's single stable point attribute to changes in the core's shape caused by drilling holes into it?
J.J. "Better than Jello" Anderson - Kill the back row

the core's tolerance single stable point is about the same as if you put a butt-plug in and sat in the middle of a merry go round...if that clears things up...
John "Steven" Parry...The Lane 1 rocket surgeon officially sponsored by Kool-aid and M&Ms....


Well and well. John may actually be correct. It's a long shot, but still. Thanks for the vote of confidence BD.

My question isn't a dig on 900 Global or the concept being discussed. (For the record, I love my 900 Global stuff). I actually (geeky) want to know if the core's behavior will be fairly impervious to layouts that may cause drilling the holes (and extra holes) in such a fashion that part of the core is removed.

Un-drilled, I see potential in this ball to be able to generate (with the proper layout) a hook with mild continuation even after "hook out" (read: core provides continued hook versus ball rotation and revs). Nickonaut seems to be at least partially in the technical know. If not, I'm sure he has access to people who can answer in great geeky detail (which I'll absorb like a sponge).

J.J. "Better than Jello" Anderson - Kill the back row


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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #54 on: July 16, 2010, 02:32:53 PM »

Un-drilled, I see potential in this ball to be able to generate (with the proper layout) a hook with mild continuation even after "hook out" (read: core provides continued hook versus ball rotation and revs). Nickonaut seems to be at least partially in the technical know. If not, I'm sure he has access to people who can answer in great geeky detail (which I'll absorb like a sponge).

J.J. "Better than Jello" Anderson - Kill the back row

Well, considering he is the senior core design engineer for the company, I hope he knows a little bit about it!

Of course there is rumor that they just doodle stuff on napkins and throw darts!


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Re: "SRC": Self Righting Core Design in THE BANK
« Reply #55 on: July 16, 2010, 02:56:06 PM »
I believe this may have been covered back in one of the questions from page one of this thread.  But, once the holes are drilled, this cores still holds great properties of imbalance from the moment arm.  The self righting capability when compared to other cores after drilling, the SRC still has a greater self righting traits that remain.  With both moment arm values and self righting traits still applicable across a wide varitey of drillings, the SRC as we have discussed helps give the bank greater amount of angularity compared to similiar surface balls, with similiar RG, and similiar diff rg that are on the market today.
Nick Siefers
Director of Operations/Chemical Engineer
900 Global
San Antonio, Texas