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Author Topic: BTM numbers, break pearl.  (Read 8829 times)


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BTM numbers, break pearl.
« on: March 18, 2008, 01:58:20 PM »
My subscription has run out, what are the numbers on this and what did BTM say about it. Thanks in advance.



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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2008, 11:09:22 PM »
Maybe...copyright infringement???  Folks wanna know but that's why mags sell subscriptions. If you go to BTM's website they sell subs and old mags if still in circulation.

Might be a hard line but put yourself in BTM's/Jim Kings position.


Kid Jete

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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2008, 11:23:20 PM »
Maybe...copyright infringement???  Folks wanna know but that's why mags sell subscriptions. If you go to BTM's website they sell subs and old mags if still in circulation.

Might be a hard line but put yourself in BTM's/Jim Kings position.

Lighten up, my god.


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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 11:31:58 PM »
Think about it...put yourself in BTM's position.  Are you selling subscriptions to a magazine?  

Who conducts the tests?  Who does all the work?  Balls come free I am guessing but somebody did the ground work.  If it's NOT worth anything why ask??? C'mon it's the internet age but isn't some info. worth purchasing?  Maybe not from what I see...that's society today..give it to me if it's free.  


Kid Jete

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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2008, 11:36:15 PM »
Think about it...put yourself in BTM's position.  Are you selling subscriptions to a magazine?  

Who conducts the tests?  Who does all the work?  Balls come free I am guessing but somebody did the ground work.  If it's NOT worth anything why ask??? C'mon it's the internet age but isn't some info. worth purchasing?  Maybe not from what I see...that's society today..give it to me if it's free.  

This is a ball reviews forum, not the internet police.  You should be happy you can get info like this here.  I highly doubt BTM would give a sh*t about someone passing along some info that they had in their magazine.


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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 11:39:43 PM »
This is a ball reviews forum, not the internet police. You should be happy you can get info like this here. I highly doubt BTM would give a sh*t about someone passing along some info that they had in their magazine.

Could be.....what do you do for a living kidjete?


Kid Jete

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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2008, 11:47:59 PM »
This is a ball reviews forum, not the internet police. You should be happy you can get info like this here. I highly doubt BTM would give a sh*t about someone passing along some info that they had in their magazine.

Could be.....what do you do for a living kidjete?

What does that have to do with anything?  I perform illegal abortions and assisted suicides.


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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2008, 11:50:34 PM »
Geez, guys, as somebody that works for a major bowling magazine, all I can say is:

1) If anything, people posting info would do MORE for the mag, not LESS.

2) What Lillen did would most likely be acceptable under the doctrines of fair use, and, furthermore, he (for all practical purposes) attributed the information to BTM. He didn't copy a whole article and he didn't not say who wrote the info. Once BTM publishes the info, it has to be expected that people will share said info.

3) Like kidjete said, I'm pretty darn sure BTM doesn't give $#i+. [ON EDIT] Charlest claims they do, and again, if they do, ok, but I still think you could counter their claims with a fair use defense, though you are not adding anything new to the work.

4) Even raising the issue of supposed copyright violations would use up way too many resources to make such a practice viable.

Edited on 3/19/2008 1:34 AM

Kid Jete

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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2008, 11:52:36 PM »
Geez, guys, as somebody that works for a major bowling magazine, all I can say is:

1) If anything, people posting info would do MORE for the mag, not LESS.

2) What Lillen did would most likely be acceptable under the doctrines of fair use, and, furthermore, he (for all practical purposes) attributed the information to BTM. He didn't copy a whole article and he didn't not say who wrote the info. Once BTM publishes the info, it has to be expected that people will share said info.

3) Like kidjete said, I'm pretty darn sure BTM doesn't give $#i+.

4) Even raising the issue of supposed copyright violations would use up way too many resources to make such a practice viable.

Thanks rev.  I would agree that if anything people might realize the magazine has some useful info and buy a subscription.

Kid Jete

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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2008, 11:54:11 PM »
Lol he deleted his post with the info from the magazine.  I'll bet a NIB ball of choice scott PM'ed him and told him he was violating copyright laws.


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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2008, 01:20:28 AM »

Yes, BMT does give a rat's a**. This is true copyright infringement, They have posted here that they do not wish their copyrighted information given out in a public forum.

If your work were copyrighted or trademarked, and you busted your body and your mind creating this information and sold it to make your livelihood, I GUARANTEE that you would care also when someone else tried to give it away for free.
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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2008, 02:01:46 AM »
with btm having their ball talk in PDF format, I'm surprised it's not being traded left and right.
I miss Dyno-thane!

Edited on 3/19/2008 4:07 AM


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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2008, 03:38:41 AM »
I was just trying to help...  

Didn't think of the copyrights...


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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2008, 04:52:00 AM »
FYI.....I did NOT PM Lillen...he removed the info. of his own accord.

charlest is correct Jim King of BTM in the past has said here on this forum that this is copyright infringement.  Maybe their stance has changed.  That is the reason I posted this to start.  

In any case the Break Pearl got some of the highest marks of any pearl on the market when it was reviewed.



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Re: BTM numbers, break pearl.
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2008, 10:05:56 AM »
Not sure what exactly was posted, but if it was a complete review, we do not like it. We are extremely flattered when someone quotes us or uses our magazine for comparison in a postive way, but copying a BTM ball review and posting it online is definitely violating copyright laws. I'm glad they removed it, if that was what was posted. Some, in Europe especially, have been bad about this. When someone misquotes us or says untrue things, usually based on conjecture, we respond to it and defend ourselves where applicable. Our ball reviews are the cornerstone of our magazine, so we are justifiably protective of the final product. One of the frustrations in the past has been the speed at which we can make them available to the public. Now, instead of waiting until the magazine comes out, a reader can purchase them soon as they are completed and made available. This is usually 6 weeks or so ahead of when the magazine hits the streets. We initiated this program as a direct response to readers who constantly stated that they could not wait. This costs us extra time and money to provide this feature on our website, so we charge enough to cover this expense. When we announced this in eblasts to our subscribers, some were upset and thought we should provide the reviews free, since they are already paying for a subscription. Basically, nothing has changed. We still have the ball reviews in each BTM, only now, if you cannot wait until you receive your BTM, you can purchase the review online at So, to answer comments on here...Yes, we do give a sh*t. By the way, if you are not getting our eblasts and want to receive them, make sure we have your email address on our list. We have an email promotion coming soon, where you can win a free spot to Super School or new bowling ball.