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Author Topic: Can 900 Global explain this?  (Read 5672 times)


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Can 900 Global explain this?
« on: December 01, 2008, 09:12:17 AM »


What happened to the no online sales thing that was going pretty good? I'm not bashing 900G at all, just curious is all! The product is great, and I don't care how it's sold, just curious.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2008, 05:18:16 PM »
no one tell JLS.... he wont carry big b, any of the ky factory stuff, now 900 has undercut him too!!! he might kill himself!
Come AMF/900 or don't come at all!!


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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2008, 05:24:56 PM »
No big deal.
All now have prices listed for 900 Global regular production balls.
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Edited on 12/1/2008 6:25 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2008, 05:43:10 PM »
I spent about 30 minutes on the phone with ET, and listened to his frustration on this issue, I totally agree with the decision made, I will let the "authorities" answer this if they choose to do so. It is one of those things when someone decides to buck the system, and I'm not referring to 900G.
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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2008, 07:32:54 PM »
I also spoke with ET and Phil regarding the issue.   While I understand why
they had to move forward with allowing the sales of 900G balls online all it
is accomplishing once again is the undercutting of proshop margins.   I can
tell you retail wise 900G product in our 5 shops went from last to nearly
first in sales.  What do I see in the future?  Probably alot lower sales as
we will have to deal with the Walmart mentality again because of online prices.
Brick and mortar shops suffer once again.  

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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2008, 08:16:35 PM »
Whether it is online shops "bucking the system", or whether it is G900's changed policy, the fact remains the same.  In a free market system, the buyer should be the one to decide the price AND the point of sale.

  I feel for you guys in the proshop business.  I used to work in a shop some and I know more about the cost and overhead than some, not to mention the expense of having equipment available in stock.  Problem is, the internet has changed the face of business and those who find a way to survive will eventually thrive and those that don't will have to look elsewhere for a lucrative living.

  I know there are literaly thousands of proshops across America, but, if each of them buys only 3 balls, there is no way they can keep G900 in business with that limited sales.  Not only that, dealing with individual shops in order to make your sales means more employees are needed just to keep up with the logistics of things.  What would be easier, selling 10,000 to 5,000 people and having an entire bookkeeping department trying to keep up with who owed what, or selling 10,000 to 5 distributors and have 1-2 people KNOWING who owes what?
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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2008, 08:42:23 PM »
You also have to remember that someone needs to punch holes in the ball.  Brick and mortar shops have the equipment to do this.
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900 Global Break is my 'new guy' ball.

  And maybe, just maybe, that is the niche that will let some proshop guys make enough money to keep them going until they can figure out a better way, or until their competition dwindles down far enough for them to keep busy and have a large enough market share to make it.
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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2008, 12:12:38 AM »
I am amazed at just how many people find this acceptable that an entire company can be forced to have to do business this way. This was not a 900G decision according to ET. One of the main reasons I signed on with them was because of the way they chose to RESPECT the PSO's. They have some of the finest products on the market and I will continue to support them as they have me. The sad part is all those who feel this is the way of the future by cutting the throats of shops need to look no further than the current economic state we are in now. Jobs shipped overseas turning this economy into a service based one and now we can't afford the service. The distributor or distributors that sell to these sites are nothing more than sluggs. Why even be in business when you can't compete becuase you have no return to stock the product. We all know these guys aren't stocking it, it gets shipped directly from the sluggs themselves. The whole damned system stinks and quality service is suffering. When you walk into a center needing the "service" of a pro shop and find they are closed or they don't have one because they couldn't compete, blame your self for stating that this was acceptable.
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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2008, 05:34:42 AM »
I figures theMezz would be here sooner or later.......


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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2008, 09:39:22 AM »
Well, here is the scoop. We can not control internet sales unless we are the ones selling direct  
Example #1 Pro shop "a" he puts the balls on his web site, we now have recourse since we sold him directly. We can tell him to remove it from his site or we will not longer sell him. All is happy in the land again.
Example #2, we sell to a distributor so we can make our products readily available as well as regionally accessable ( freigth expense etc.) The distributor sells to pro shop "b" who in turn puts it on his internet site, (by the way the shop is our distributors larger customer)we call the shop he says screw you I didn't purchase it from you, we call the distributor, he says all he can do is ask to have it removed from the site. End result ball is on a site at a discounted ( not controlled) price and we have no recourse.
Example #3 What we are trying to achieve, we approached our distributors and have an agreement with them in place stating that our product can be sold on the net but can not be listed below the pre-determined price, they agree to enforce it with their customers and will police it. We can control prices through the customers we sell through.  
Bottom line is, the price should be more in line and acceptable to still support the shops.
We shall see, but the bottom line is the shops that figured out how to beat the system have forced our hand.
We do not figure to sell any additional units, people that want our ball have gotten it, price after reputable drilling should be about the same to the end user. Hopefully all we be happy in the kingdom again.


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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2008, 10:47:45 AM »
Hopefully all we be happy in the kingdom again.

*hijack on - I'm very happy with my S75 and I'm sure I'll try more of your products.
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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2008, 12:16:14 PM »
I saw all the prices of the 900global line that has posted.
I have no problem with most of them.  From what I saw, none of them are at or below pro shop cost.

This pricing is similar to the pricing Ebonite had set up with their floor pricing plan.  It allows the consumer to now get the 900 global balls easier, and at a decent price. Yet does not undercut the pro shops.  I feel as a pro shop we certainly can compete with just about all the prices I saw posted at

Maniac $109.99 if bought online,  then apply a drilling charge of $40-$50.
I can live with that.

The Bounty $149.99 if bought onlline, then apply a drilling charge of $50. again, i can live with that.

This may actually turn more people onto Global.  And they still have to get the balls drilled. So maybe instead of them buying Ebonite  or brunswick online, they may buy more Global online.  And then when they bring it into the pro shops for drilling, they may see that our prices are very much in line. And the next time they buy a ball, they may remember that.

BTW,  it was jls who long ago posted that he did indeed wish that Global sold thru dist.  Now I 'm not sure, but it seems that Global has put some floor pricing on their lines.


Edited on 12/2/2008 1:57 PM


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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2008, 12:23:16 PM »
no one tell JLS.... he wont carry big b, any of the ky factory stuff, now 900 has undercut him too!!! he might kill himself!
Come AMF/900 or don't come at all!!

If you learned how to read,  you would have noticed that I do carry their products.  Even though the Maxxx Zone is selling for $107.99 online, in my post I did say we did start stocking the ball.  And had sold 3 in the first few days.  Never knocked the product,  only upset with the pricing of the product.

I did say that because of their unfair pricing that I might need to push more Global.

And if what I see is true,  it appears that many dist. couldn't wait to get the ball!!!!  Which may mean, they may sell fewer Ebonite and Brunswick balls.
So in these tough times, I wonder why so msny dist. want to get their hands on Global balls?????  Maybe it's because they have found out, they are selling.
Oh BTW, I do buy most of my globals from global,  but I do order some from my dist.  

Now I see the little brown truck is here. And some of my MAXXX ZONES have come in,  so I "be fixing" to drill them now.  

just in case you wanted to know


Edited on 12/2/2008 3:38 PM


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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2008, 01:54:35 PM »
I saw all the prices of the 900global line that has posted.
I have no problem with most of them.  From what I saw, none of them are at or below pro shop cost.

This pricing is similar to the pricing Ebonite had set up with their floor pricing plan.  It allows the consumer to now get the 900 global balls easier, and at a decent price. Yet does not undercut the pro shops.  I feel as a pro shop we certainly can compete with just about all the prices I saw posted at

Maniac $109.99 if bought online,  then apply a drilling charge of $40-$50.
I can live with that.

The Bounty $149.99 if bought onlline, then apply a drilling charge of $50. again, i can live with that.

This may actually turn more people onto Global.  And they still have to get the balls drilled. So maybe instead of them buying Ebonite  or brunswick online, they may buy more Global online.  And then when they bring it into the pro shops for drilling, they may see that our prices are very much in line. And the next time they buy a ball, they may remember that.

BTW,  it was jls who long ago posted that he did indeed wish that Global sold thru dist.  Now I 'm not sure, but it seems that Global has put some floor pricing on their lines.


Edited on 12/2/2008 1:57 PM

I agree.

You have been very consistent with your complaints - limiting them to only when on-line prices are cheaper than pro shop cost - which to me seems only fair.  Distributors should never undercut pro shops on current products, especially when the on-line shops are fronts for the distributors.  Now if the product gets discontinued - football away!

The only thing that I can see is that maybe pro shops will increase their drilling prices for balls that are brought in - or maybe limit that for current products.

My experience has been that many shops are not consistent with their pricing.
Shop A and Shop B both charge $60 to drill an outside ball.

I can buy Ball X on-line for $130 shipped.  Shop A sells it for $229.
I can buy Ball Y on-line for $145 shipped.  Shop A sells it for $229.

Shop A has a fixed price point for certain balls.  All "hi-performance" balls are $229.  $209 for the next level, $189, $169, $149, etc.

Shop B uses a standard markup of cost + drilling + profit (say $10).  The pricing is pretty evident by looking at on-line pricing. Ball X would end up being priced $15 cheaper than Ball Y regardless of which "performance" level it was.

Now, Shop A may get upset because they have been selling the Break S75 at the same price as the Twisted Fury Solid, and now customers are complaining that the S75 is $10-15 cheaper than the TFS on-line.  That's an extra $10-15 per ball that helps them pay their bills.

Shop B doesn't care because they were already selling the S75 for $10-15 cheaper than the TFS.

If it bothers you, bump up your blank drilling price another $10 for current balls that are brought in.

Neither one of my shops care about outside balls.  They are still making money on the drill and don't have to worry about placing orders, dealing with inventory, state sales tax, etc.  They both claim they don't make enough on a ball sale to worry about it.

The way I look at it is this - if you customer can save $20 by buying on-line, you're probably going to make that up by drilling him a few extra balls per year!

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Re: Can 900 Global explain this?
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2008, 03:09:52 PM »
We are going to continue to promote the product and hope for the best.  It
definately has been a bright spot in a rather dreary retail environment.  
IMHO 900G does have some excellent product and it does stand on its own.  It
is fairing much better then the other major brands and its nice to have a
breath of fresh air.   Keep up the good work Phil/Eric.
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