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Author Topic: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!  (Read 15416 times)


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Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« on: August 30, 2015, 09:42:10 PM »
I know some of you will not believe it, I can hardly believe it myself.  As you know a couple of weeks ago I reported that I went to my ball rack in my climate controlled room and found my 3rd Black Eagle cracked all the way around, along with my Black Eagle Pearl which was also cracked all the way around. So that made three Black Eagles and one Black Eagle Pearl cracked all the way around.
Well today I went to my ball rack in the same climate controlled room only to discover that my War Eagle was cracked from the mass bias to the index finger hole and my new Breakout was cracked all the way around the ball.
The tally to date is six 900 Global balls cracked. Note: last week I discovered my AMF
Green Mamba cracked at the bridge.  I am not that concerned as I have had numerous balls ( 900 Global, AMF, Storm/Roto Grip) crack at the bridge (except Motiv balls).
A 900 Global staff representative (Curt Dupree) wrote a sincere apology which was appreciated, but also stated in his posting that the balls were 2012 releases.
Well the War Eagle was a slightly a newer release (as was the Black Eagle Pearl), and the Breakdown is a 2/1/15 release.  So it seems that if there is a problem with the 900 Global balls cracking all the way around the ball it is continuing to date.
BTW all the 900 Global balls were sitting next to Track, Columbia 300, Storm/Roto Grip, and Motiv Balls of which none of these have cracked.
Tomorrow, I will be visiting my PSO to file a warranty claim for the Breakdown.  But, I am out of luck on the other five balls.
I stated in my previous post that I was completely done with 900 Global balls.  The latest two cracking have totally turned me 100% away from 900 Global/AMF.  I just cannot financially afford it.




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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2015, 09:52:32 PM »
Do you keep the balls in plastic bags?

Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2015, 10:09:47 PM »
No I do not.  As I stated I have not had any problem with full cracking with any ball brand except 900 Global.  So if plastic bags were the answer and I did not use them then all the other brand of balls should be cracking also, which they have not. To me
it is not a problem of turning the balls every couple of months, plastic bags, beveled hole, how you glue the finger inserts, etc.
It is a problem with the manufacturing process of 900 Global/AMF.  WHY?  Because it happened to six of my 900 Global balls and only my 900 Global balls!!!


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2015, 10:10:45 PM »
When in doubt, complain and troll the internet.


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2015, 10:20:01 PM »
If your comment is directed to me, I am not complaining.  I stopped that after losing the first four balls.  Now at the loss of six, it is a fact that I feel my fellow posters on this forum need to be aware of..  I wonder what your comments would be if you lost six balls from the same manufacturer (four in the last few weeks),  or are you that "rich" that it just would not matter to you.  If so, I'm jealous.


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2015, 10:28:58 PM »
Ive had a number Global/AMF balls crack. I have Reax, Endless Nightmare, and a Hellraiser core sitting in my living room, if you're that interested Ill post pics. A 607a cracked all the way around, and even a Visionary who's toughness is a legend. Crap happens. Fact is bowling balls aren't meant to last. Id buy an S75 Break or black Reax in a heart beat, or another 607. My opinion is that by singling out one company over and over is for you to be slanderous.

Ken De Beasto

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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2015, 06:00:46 AM »
I leave all my balls on the ground on carpet lol. been 2 almost 3 year i never had 1 ball cracked on me. Dont know if it counts as cracking but i had a triple nexxxus big o piece chip off brand new ball, tried put a thumb hole and pow chipped off a big chunk. also had a storm tropical heat chip off a huge chunk trying to drill a new ball.

anyways never had a ball cracked sitting there lol guess im lucky. or you guys should  leave the balls on the carpet on the ground haha. just my hypothesis i came up with. i hear people have ball racks and i hear balls crack on ball racks thus ball racks no bueno. just a suggestion and chiming in.


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2015, 06:52:02 AM »
Rusty: The definition of slander is making a false statement about someone or something.  From checking, the original poster is not making a false statement if he really did have 6 900 Global balls crack. I don't know more or less than you about this, so unless he can provide pictures, we don't know for sure. But, just because he points out that he is having issues with his 900 Global stuff crack and not other companies is not making a slanderous statement unless we can prove either A) He has not had 6 900 Global balls crack or B) He has had other manufacturers crack and he is not reporting it. Before anybody says anything about the AMF Green Mamba he has that cracked, AMF is poured by.....900 Global.

So technically Rusty, YOU are potentially making the slanderous statement by suggesting he is lying, without the proof to back it up.



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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2015, 07:04:59 AM »
Before you make accusations of slander, why don't you take the time a look up the definition of slander.  Here I'll do it for you.
"The utterance of a falsehood that damages another's reputation"  There is no falsehood.....only six 900 Global balls lost ...four in the last three weeks.  Those are hard real facts.
What has me concerned is the manufacturing problem San Antonio may have had in 2012/2013 that many have talked about apparently may still exist as my Breakdown is six months old and the same full cracking happened.  It may be ironic, then again it may not.
I wish I could point to another ball company where I have lost six balls from one company due to cracking, but my arsenal is not that big.
Have a nice day!


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2015, 07:53:59 AM »
Rusty, how did you separate the cores from the filler? I have tried that with a hammer and a chisel on a few different balls that have cracked all the way around, and the results have made me wonder how a ball even cracked in the first place!

Impending Doom

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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2015, 08:45:25 AM »
Do you use grips and get all of your stuff drilled at the same place?

D Scott Johnson

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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2015, 08:54:42 AM »
Even though I would like to try some 900 Global stuff, I have refrained from buying any due to the cracking issues.  I believe it is probably a manufacturing issue (no proof) but my last 5 Global balls all had very short life spans before cracking.  No, they are not the only company that I have experienced cracking with but certainly they are the most prolific. At this point, I just don't trust them to last.


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2015, 10:03:24 AM »
Bowlaholic, the Breakdown should easily be covered by the warranty. Can you post a pic of that ball/crack for me?
Motiv Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
Mouse's Bowling Garage


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2015, 10:49:25 AM »
I can gmail you pictures from my wife's phone.  I recently switched my computer from Window7 to Windows 10 and I am having all kinds of problems that won't allow me to send or open attachments to emails. Otherwise I would have posted pictures on my posts here.
Let me know how I can gmail you and I will send the pictures.


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2015, 11:03:22 AM »
I can gmail you pictures from my wife's phone.  I recently switched my computer from Window7 to Windows 10 and I am having all kinds of problems that won't allow me to send or open attachments to emails. Otherwise I would have posted pictures on my posts here.
Let me know how I can gmail you and I will send the pictures.
You can send me the pictures to Thank you very much!
Motiv Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
Mouse's Bowling Garage