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Author Topic: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!  (Read 15414 times)


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Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« on: August 30, 2015, 09:42:10 PM »
I know some of you will not believe it, I can hardly believe it myself.  As you know a couple of weeks ago I reported that I went to my ball rack in my climate controlled room and found my 3rd Black Eagle cracked all the way around, along with my Black Eagle Pearl which was also cracked all the way around. So that made three Black Eagles and one Black Eagle Pearl cracked all the way around.
Well today I went to my ball rack in the same climate controlled room only to discover that my War Eagle was cracked from the mass bias to the index finger hole and my new Breakout was cracked all the way around the ball.
The tally to date is six 900 Global balls cracked. Note: last week I discovered my AMF
Green Mamba cracked at the bridge.  I am not that concerned as I have had numerous balls ( 900 Global, AMF, Storm/Roto Grip) crack at the bridge (except Motiv balls).
A 900 Global staff representative (Curt Dupree) wrote a sincere apology which was appreciated, but also stated in his posting that the balls were 2012 releases.
Well the War Eagle was a slightly a newer release (as was the Black Eagle Pearl), and the Breakdown is a 2/1/15 release.  So it seems that if there is a problem with the 900 Global balls cracking all the way around the ball it is continuing to date.
BTW all the 900 Global balls were sitting next to Track, Columbia 300, Storm/Roto Grip, and Motiv Balls of which none of these have cracked.
Tomorrow, I will be visiting my PSO to file a warranty claim for the Breakdown.  But, I am out of luck on the other five balls.
I stated in my previous post that I was completely done with 900 Global balls.  The latest two cracking have totally turned me 100% away from 900 Global/AMF.  I just cannot financially afford it.




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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2015, 04:39:38 PM »
I've had 1 ball crack in the last 25 years,a No Mercy within the warranty period. I have to wonder if it's from some of these ball cleaner's being used. or maybe the ca glue used for slugs and inserts.
I would agree with that. I don't use grips or slugs and have never lost a ball to cracking not even the bridge. My equipment is on a rack in the basement year round but I do rotate them time to time. I would lean towards the glue having some effect on the cover cracking and also if you use slugs, the way they have to pound the slug in the hole. That's just adding more pressure to the outer shell.

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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2015, 06:35:31 PM »
I've had balls crack, but none first drill. I don't use grips, but do use thumb slugs, and switched over to the interchangable thumbs like 4 years ago. No issues. I wonder if the pro shop owner uses a certain kind of glue that makes this an issue with 900 Global covers?


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2015, 06:42:50 PM »
I was very interested in bowlingman 817's post, then I remembered that my wife's Columbia Scout which has no finger inserts or thumb slugs recently cracked all the way around this ball.  The Scout has no core, just a pancake block.
After reading all the posts, I'm starting to believe that "cracking" is the luck of the draw.
It happens to some of us and not to others.  That's life, I guess! 
NOTE: All the NIB balls in the plastic wrap, in the closet in the climate controlled room have yet to crack????


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #34 on: September 02, 2015, 06:57:22 PM »
I've had 1 ball crack in the last 25 years,a No Mercy within the warranty period. I have to wonder if it's from some of these ball cleaner's being used. or maybe the ca glue used for slugs and inserts.
I would agree with that. I don't use grips or slugs and have never lost a ball to cracking not even the bridge. My equipment is on a rack in the basement year round but I do rotate them time to time. I would lean towards the glue having some effect on the cover cracking and also if you use slugs, the way they have to pound the slug in the hole. That's just adding more pressure to the outer shell.

Everyone of my balls has both finger grips and thumb inserts and only 2 have cracked over the past 20 years of the hundreds of balls I have stored both drilled and undrilled in my basement. I also store about 8 that are in current rotation in my office on the first floor and transport 4 of them (3 resin and 1 plastic) to and from bowling in my car's trunk.

One Track Sensor cracked all the way around in 2003 and one 900G Breakout cracked between the finger holes. Those are 2 of about 200, more or less, balls that have been stored in my basement, in the original plastic bag in the original box, sitting on ball cups on shelves, and sitting on an old rug in front of the shelves. Many of the drilled balls have just sat there for 8 - 10 years, as I hate to part with any balls plus the used ball market sucks (tired of giving way virtually brand new balls for $10).

Not one of the other 198 have cracked. Temperatures range from 55 - 70 degrees, humidity ranges from 50% to 80% in the basement. I have had every brand of ball except for ABS and the new NextGen/Genesis brand (But those are made by Visionary and I have had many of those.)

« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 07:00:10 PM by charlest »
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #35 on: September 02, 2015, 09:07:28 PM »
I've had 1 ball crack in the last 25 years,a No Mercy within the warranty period. I have to wonder if it's from some of these ball cleaner's being used. or maybe the ca glue used for slugs and inserts.
I would agree with that. I don't use grips or slugs and have never lost a ball to cracking not even the bridge. My equipment is on a rack in the basement year round but I do rotate them time to time. I would lean towards the glue having some effect on the cover cracking and also if you use slugs, the way they have to pound the slug in the hole. That's just adding more pressure to the outer shell.

Everyone of my balls has both finger grips and thumb inserts and only 2 have cracked over the past 20 years of the hundreds of balls I have stored both drilled and undrilled in my basement. I also store about 8 that are in current rotation in my office on the first floor and transport 4 of them (3 resin and 1 plastic) to and from bowling in my car's trunk.

One Track Sensor cracked all the way around in 2003 and one 900G Breakout cracked between the finger holes. Those are 2 of about 200, more or less, balls that have been stored in my basement, in the original plastic bag in the original box, sitting on ball cups on shelves, and sitting on an old rug in front of the shelves. Many of the drilled balls have just sat there for 8 - 10 years, as I hate to part with any balls plus the used ball market sucks (tired of giving way virtually brand new balls for $10).

Not one of the other 198 have cracked. Temperatures range from 55 - 70 degrees, humidity ranges from 50% to 80% in the basement. I have had every brand of ball except for ABS and the new NextGen/Genesis brand (But those are made by Visionary and I have had many of those.)

That's not bad, but it's still 2 more than I've ever had.


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Re: Continuation of Crack, Crack, Crack!
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2015, 12:33:20 PM »
Charlest.. Did you say you do store yours in the original plastic bags?  If so, your good luck sounds encouraging so maybe that does help. I have kept a lot of the bags but had never used them until I was storing my equipment since I knew I wasn't bowling for 9 months or so. Last time and even with the balls I did not put in bags this year I have had balls crack, but so far I don't think any of the new stuff in bags have had issues.