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Author Topic: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack  (Read 24478 times)


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Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« on: August 06, 2015, 12:35:47 PM »
Went to my ball rack in my climate controlled room this a.m. to retrieve my Black Eagle & Black Eagle Pearl for a little practice.  Both were completely cracked around the ball.  This is the third Black Eagle that has cracked this way for me and the first Eagle Pearl for a total of FOUR!.  I bought the first Black Eagle three years ago while visiting in San Antonio. Liked the ball so much I bought two more when I got home and then the Pearl just before it was discontinued.
Needless to say I am so done with 900 Global balls. Four balls in three years is to much and to expensive for my wallet.  I don't care if Storm has bought an interest in 900G or completely owns them.  It won't convince me to ever buy 900G/AMF again. NOTE: I busted the Black Eagle apart..... the thickness of the coverstock varied from 1/4" to 1/2".  Great quality control!  Sorry for the rant, but two balls on the same day was a little to much.  I'm going to go lay down now and hope this was all a dream.



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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2015, 05:43:17 PM »
ive had over 50 balls and only 2 have cracked, my frantic and my black eagle pearl. i mostly throw motiv and amf and have had no issues with those balls so far.


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #32 on: August 07, 2015, 10:30:23 PM »
Fellow Forum Contributors:
In a previous post I stated only my four 900G Black Eagles & my wife's old Scout have cracked.  When I read jumba98's post I remembered that I did have a Storm Tropical Heat Orange/Purple Pearl also crack this past year. 
I apologize for this omit.  I want to keep the record correct.


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2015, 01:37:15 AM »
In the last 3 years I have had all theses bowling balls crack on me. Storm marvel pearl (x2), storm iq tour, radical yeti untamed, radical yeti unleashed, Brunswick strike king, radical reaxx version 2 pearl and currently my ebionite code of honor is in the process of cracking and I have no idea why.  I keep my equipment next to my dads and he has only ever had one ball crack on him (lt48 .


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2015, 09:50:32 AM »
had two lx16 track balls drilled & both have cracked between finger holes. anyone else have this problem?


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2015, 09:56:37 AM »
I believe the OP means about cracking is not the bridge but MAJOR cracking as in starting from the outside of the finger holes or thumb hole and traveling around the ball.


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2015, 10:10:20 AM »
I realize that . I was asking a specific question .


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2015, 12:46:57 PM »
I have had both happen. Majority started cracking between the bridge of the fingers but I have had two that have cracked no where near a hole. My iq cracked about 3-4 inches right of my finger, not near a pin or weight hole.  My code of honor is by the fingers but is actually cracking around the lettering on the ball


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2015, 01:09:35 PM »
ive been a ball whore for most my bowlimg carrer havenowned hundreds of boqling balls from all maufactureres. THEY ALL CRACK! Not one any more than another. It is all a matter of luck and sometimes factories have bad batches. just in last year i have had a hammer crack after 3 games opened up my closet had two brunswick one radical and one storm not survive the summer rest in bottom of my closet in bowling bags climate controlled. it happens. most companies will replace if that happens no prob unless it old or obvious bad drilling issue. i have owned a ton of 900 hundred global and amf since they lanched and have had not much of anything crack from them.


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2015, 10:40:53 AM »
I have too many balls!

I can't keep them in the house!  Garages across most of the United States are pretty hot. 

I have had a bunch of balls crack over the last couple of years.  Disagreeing with many above the majority have been 900 Global or AMF.  But not exclusively.
The rarest for me are Brunswick Ebonite and Storm in that order!

An article/post out here one time said that cores made in San Antonio were poured in a facility that was quite humid sort of curing for a long time.  The theory was they continued curing even after shipping leading to a lot of forces in a multi material ball that lead to cracking.  You can find it if you want.

I have  a good friend that has a pro shop that is temperature controlled and has a bunch of balls that are often on a large wall rack in a small not so air flow oriented drilling room.  I believe he gets about 3 cracks out of 50 or 60 balls a month!

Others say the key is turning balls ocassionally to prevent cracking!

Regardless, this year I have had a banner year in very few cracks!

Here are the two steps I have taken that have changed things.
1.  I now run an oscillating fan at a medium high setting that sweeps most of my balls, that I try to make sure are available to receive a bit of air flow.  Boxes on top are no no...Cloth bags are OK however.
2.  My wife likes to park her very high heat running car in the garage.  (Guys you get it!, it's not just for our bowling balls!).  I noted many of my cracks were near her right front wheel well.  Solution( I took an old box(I think for a large screen TV).  and I have it ready to go over her wheel well and prevent the heat from hitting the fan relieved pile of balls!

Voila! This summer one day we had two thin shelled Columbias(a blur included plugged also) crack one day when she put the cardboard down askew!  Please don't read this honey!  The heat cracked seeping under the cardboard barrier cracked them within two hours!  Otherwise not a cracked ball since I implemented the two steps above!

That is it!  So far.  This summer.  Based on where I live this is very good.  In the winter I get permission I get permission to bring in my AMFs and Columbias on unusually cold days! 

Maybe these ideas will work for you!



« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 11:56:31 AM by LuckyLefty »
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2015, 07:44:18 AM »
As a 900G staff member I would be expect you to defend your company, That's why your a staffer and that's fine.  You mention numerous things that can cause cracking which I have knowledge of and agree are possible causes.  However, the majority (95%+) of my balls (900G/AMF, Storm/Roto Grip, Motiv, Radical, Brunswick, Ebonite, Track, and Columbia) regardless of manufacturer are drilled by the same person, who bevels the holes, glues the grip the same way each time, etc.  And the only balls that have cracked all the way around have been the 900G sitting on the same rack in the same climate controlled room. (To be completely honest, my wife's old Scout did crack, but it was left in our hot garage).
You did not comment on the varied thickness of the Black Eagle cover stock of 1/4" to 1/2" that I discovered when I busted the Eagle apart.  I busted my wife's Scout apart today and the cover stock is uniform in thickness around the complete ball.
The Black Eagle's are 2012 balls and I have read many forum posts back and since, that addressed the quality from the San Antonio plant.
All I know is I lost three Black Eagles and one Black Eagle Pearl which was a 2013 ball to "full" cracking and none of the others from all the manufactures mentioned have cracked.  I'm not looking for a replacement or a pro-rated discount, as the balls are completely out of warranty.  I just wanted to express my experience to my fellow bowlers on this forum and let them decide for themselves regarding use of 900G/AMF equipment.
At $200+ a ball, I cannot take any more chances with 900G/AMF, with the hope I will not experience the same result again. I'll have to take my chances elsewhere.

I never knock what people are saying, but we are talking about bowling balls from 2012. Yes their may have been an issue back then, I can't comment on it as I was not with the company then. But I can say any ball that has been made starting last year, I have not had a problem with at all. I know how expensive bowling balls are. I may get them as I am a staffer, but of course it wasn't always that way. I believe our quality control on our stuff is very good. I haven't heard any problems with our new stuff. I do apologize for having a bad experience with the Black Eagle. If there is anything you have questions about, please let me know. Once again I do apologize to everyone for their problems with the Eagle line cracking.
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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2015, 08:03:14 AM »
thanks for your comment.


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2015, 10:59:53 AM »
Thank You for your sincere reply.  Much Appreciated.


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2015, 12:37:38 AM »
Ironic timing as I just looked on my ball rack and saw my red and yellow Hook! cracked completely around it, from finger hole to finger hole.  I feel the frustration, as this was a great medium/dry lane ball for me.  I don't know that I've had more 900 Global balls crack than any other company, but I agree, try as hard as we might, this just happens, I had just thrown this ball twice within the last month also, so it's not like it had been sitting for a long time with no use.


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2015, 10:37:51 AM »

I agree that, unfortunately, any ball from any company can crack.  Every ball that has cracked on me has been on a shelf at room temperature, or in my bag at room temperature. 

There are currently 5 balls on the pro shop floor that are cracked (coincidentally from the same manufacturer).  My experience is that most companies are willing to work with you within the warranty period with little, if any, hassle.


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Re: Crack, Crack, Crack, & Another Crack
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2015, 02:32:23 PM »
I notice everyone thinks balls cracking is ok.Well they don't riemburse you for the drilling cost.So your 200$ ball becomes 260$.I have had a few balls crack myself.They replaced them.Lucky for me I have my own drill.But for the ones that don't it sucks.I think they ought to include a voucher to get repayed for drilling.Ball companies design the balls to not last long.Thats how they survive. Coming out with new balls every 3 months.If balls lasted like plastic balls they would be out of business.Some day people will wakeup and smell the coffee.Ball technology has topped out.look at how many just keep using same cores and just change colors.Its like one big ponzi scheme.Looks like the only ones making money are ball companies two centers in my town are barely surviving and are for sale.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 07:35:56 PM by BowlingforSoup »