So, I just got a "new" (used) lunatic. It was drilled real weak, so I had it plugged and redrilled. Pin up (about 040 degrees off of ring), CG in center of palm area ish...roughly 4-5 inches to pap. I had the finish on it taken to a light 1000 with some polish...not high gloss. I was having problems rolling it at first from where I normally stand with my Wild Thing/Jigsaw/Gladiator Pearl (normally 25ish..I have a crooked approach)....which i throw roughly 18-10. So I moved right a dot (to 20) and threw it down the 10 and it cruised down, broke and destroyed the pocket. If I got closer to the 5 it wouldnt come back. If I yanked it to the 15 it would go Brooklyn but always leave a random pin...the 5 sticks out to me most tho.
What have you all experienced with this ball? I thought it would have similar shape to my Wild Thing (pin up over bridge but cg kicked right) but go longer since it's a weaker ball. I like it, it's just different than what I'm used to. I dont have a ton of experience...~4 years bowling. I appreciate all info and pointers you all have to offer! Thanks and Merry Christmas!