win a ball from

Author Topic: Vixen  (Read 1593 times)


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« on: August 19, 2013, 10:54:57 PM »
nice long ball for the girls.  The ball has a slow rev rate to get it down the lane without entry angle burn up.



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Re: Vixen
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2013, 08:47:52 PM »
Review on the Vixen

I have had this ball a few months sorry have not been on here sooner internet issues

This ball comes factory polish and is a very smooth rolling ball does not pick the lane up in the front or mids stores everything till the end and has hitting power.

I have used mine on wood and synthetic and on wood the ball does pick on the mids after transition on the lanes but still does not over react on the back. Mine will look like it is picking up but will still fight to get down lane before facing up in the pocket so my moves are very little compared to others and gives me an advantage on the lanes because the ball does not over read the lanes it is a very controllable and predictable ball and easy to make adjustments faster and can stay ahead of the rest. So if your looking for another great release from 900 Global and do not have a lot of ball speed and struggle with transition i recommend this ball be in your bag and see how much better you will stay ahead of the competition on the lanes

Recommend this to anyone from the low rev player to the mid rev player with slow ball speed will stay clean through the front and will not have to try to over throw this ball it will do the work for you.

If it is worth doing then do it right.