Congratulations on what appears to be another successful release and also a great promotion. I may not agree with Globals marketing ideas, but Phis IS a genius when it comes to bowling ball technology. You have to give him that one as it's a no brainer.
You and I have dealt before, although you may not remember. You helped me aquire an A.M.F. TITAN once as our shops distributor kept saying they couldn't get one. Since then I have always seen any company you are associated with as a responsive, customer oriented one. That fact still remains.
The BOUNTY is probably a really great ball, problem is, when I hear BOUNTY I keep thinking about paper towels. No joke, it really makes me think about paper towels before it does bowling balls.
Tell Mr. Brock congratulations on his game and series for me. Sounds like he really bowled great.
Norm Duke was right Good transactions list in my profile
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