I'm really anxious to try out 900G this fall after scrapping all my Roto and Big B. My Break S75 arrives tomorrow, a 4-5 pin with 3.25 top and cg 2 inches left.
Looking back though... low rev lefty, likes symmetrical, switches brands to an asym X-out with a new layout and soaker cover that needs time to get right. And one other thing, I decided for the first time to take the summer off and haven't thrown since May...
This defines the term "try something new..." Can't try it until Sunday, but this should be interesting...
Sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense. I get to look at a new brand and layout for the new season using minimal cash, and will end up needing to buy another ball

It could be worse.
Signature? I don''t need no stinking signature...
Edited on 7/30/2009 4:18 AM
Edited on 7/30/2009 4:19 AM