Coverstock: S20â„¢ Solid Urethane
Finish: 1000 Grit
Color: Black
Core: Y-Coreâ„¢ Symmetric
Tour Preferred
2.61 Radius of gyration
.026 Differential
Positive Axis Point 5 7/16 by 1/4 up
Layout 4 1/2 x 4 x 2 1/2
I'm very pleased that 900 Global has released a urethane bowling ball for their upcoming line this year and it is called the BOO-YAH. Urethane still has its place in today's game especially for the high reving players and for those bowlers who can't generate enough ball speed. I sure miss the old school days and every once in a while we will see a pattern that reminds me of that. Those dry over under house shot patterns and those short sport patterns like Cheetah will work great for the BOO-YAH. Hey you never know when you might need to go back in time a little, so get yourself a BOO-YAH and get some added performance for YOUR game.
900 Global staff member Greg Thomas