Bowling ball companies and the bowling industry will NOT come out ahead. As every single prediction from politicians fails, with a death told about same as flu, with padded numbers where testing is not needed to call a covid-19 death, we can start to see the truth.
Unwanted fear mongering. Bogus "public health" that hasn't been proven to save any lives. Suppressed treatments such as ozone. and an economic collapse that will kill many, many more than the lockdown.
The main concern for bowling remains, will your center still be around when this lockdown ends?
This is just one example of many more to come, of permanent jobs GONE from this lockdown. How many heart attacks, suicides and other deaths of despairs is the economic ruin instigated by power mad politicians going to bring.
Just like Iraq and Aphganastan, they bring us into war with no exit strategy.
Maybe people can go bowling soon with face masks. No more high fives after strikes. Those germs are everywhere. This is the new normal.