charlest, my Threshold has a couple of different purposes in my arsenal. First, it's my oiler. It's the ball with the strong cover/surface combination. Secondly, it's a ball, along with several other teammate's assistance, that's used to help blow a hole in a pattern. I'm not a bowler that looks get the latest "hook-in-a-box" ball, pitch it to the ditch and let it hook like a (female dog expletive deleted), and expect it to elevate my game. In fact, nowhere did either Steve or myself, make reference to such a wish for something that "hooks more". The Threshold, in oil, is a ball that I'll utilize. If you think I want a ball that "hooks more", IIRC, you're mistaken.
Return with your shield or on it. Strength and honor.
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo