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Author Topic: X-2 is money!!  (Read 1878 times)

Jesse James

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X-2 is money!!
« on: May 07, 2019, 10:14:08 AM »
I've had this ball for over a year and never thought to punch it up. Since I had back to back tourneys in two different parts of the country, I decided now would be the time to come prepared!
And this ball delivered!

It is a slow response ball for high friction environments; toasty conditions and/or flying backends! I used it in both tourneys with continued success.

It allowed me to play in my comfort zone for a long period of time, without having to move drastically, change balls or throw the ball exceedingly hard!

This ball is a must have for any arsenal. I had it drilled pin over bridge, and cg kicked right at a 45* angle. About 55*x 3 x 20*

This ball was so good for me, that I decided to keep using it on my high friction house shot in my last two weeks of league play. This really paid off since I won lots of $$$ both weeks after shooting 687 and 670 sets with this ball!

Started playing right,... down and in, and as the transition of the lanes broke down, just migrated left all night. I never changed balls as I usually have to do in this

This made my bowling very simple and pleasurable! Great ball Global! I'lll have to look into a couple more Global pieces to see how they stack up!
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


Impending Doom

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Re: X-2 is money!!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2019, 11:06:54 AM »
First off, the X series is awesome. My X is 5*65, and it's butter smooth. Reads the pattern well, and as long as I don't go too much left to right, hits like a runaway train carrying C4. I have an X2 waiting for me, and I'm going 4*30 to get a bit more shape out of it. Completely underrated line of balls.

If you like the X2, but want a bit weaker, After Dark. Something a bit stronger with a bit of pop, Badger.

Of course, our whole line is great. #stafferplug


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Re: X-2 is money!!
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2019, 11:35:46 AM »
My kid has his 2 highest series with X-2.  Just missed 800 in a sweeper moving pairs each game. 

This ball won't work all the time and I think it's versatility is small.  However, when the condition calls for control this has to be a consideration.  My boy likes it because it allows him to keep the ball in front of him on cliffed house shots and play with the fudgeknucklers.  It's also really good on short and medium where backends are flying.  He likens it to urethane with a little more backend pop.  It's in his bag except for 1 house shot around here where the fronts are toast shortly after practice.

Ball isn't flashy so it likely didn't sell great.  Good for my kid though.   ;)