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Author Topic: Honey badger extreme solid and pearl  (Read 17583 times)


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Honey badger extreme solid and pearl
« on: October 31, 2019, 03:56:31 PM »
Coming soon.......



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Re: Honey badger extreme solid and pearl
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2019, 08:08:42 AM »
OK, history lesson time. Gather round, kiddos.

Once upon a time, AMF came out with the Clutch and Clutch pearl. Clutch was F55, 2.56 .044 with .008 intermediate diff. So basically, the cores in the Honey Badgers up until now (HB, Claw, Teal) have been juiced up Clutches.

The Clutch Solid was a surprise, because no one could believe that a ball with F55 could hook as much as it did.

Nailed it! I couldn't agree with you more! I keep saying the same thing and the HB line gets better every release. I remember the first time I used the Clutch, I had to do a triple take at how strong and versatile it was. There was no way I would have ever imagined using an F55 cover on a sport shot, but I did time after time. Everybody needs to have at least one HB in their bag.
H. S.
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